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Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … get enough sleep. Encourage your child to socialize with supportive friends. Make time to talk and listen to your child and express your love and support. Remind your child that things will get better in …
Health topics
… It's not your fault. And don't be afraid to ask for help. There are resources available to help keep you and your baby safe. Some women worry about … and ask for the police. Your healthcare provider can also help by putting you in touch with the right resources. Or …
Health topics
… when you get them, and what makes them worse or better can help your doctor know if you have allergies or another … treatment depends on how often you have symptoms. What can help you manage your allergies? When you have allergies, you … the year. Learning what triggers your allergy symptoms will help you manage and treat your allergies. Managing your …
Health topics
… to occur if you are under stress or in a crowd. What can help you get unfrozen? There are several tricks you can learn to help you become "unfrozen" when you have a freezing episode … step, with a long stride. These or other techniques may help you overcome freezing and get moving again. …
Health topics
… may get an imaging test, such as an X-ray or CT scan, to help find the infection. How is sepsis treated? Doctors will … where very sick people get care. Equipment in the ICU can support your body. That includes your breathing, … where very sick people get care. Equipment in the ICU can support your body. That includes your breathing, …
Health topics
… Glaucoma can't be cured. But there are things you can do to help stop more damage to the optic nerve. To help keep your … aids, such as large-print items and special video systems. Support groups can also help you deal with vision loss. Take … around stairways and ramps with paint or tape. Build a support group. It's common to feel sad or angry when you …
Health topics
… Information Overview Nipple shields are devices that can help with certain breastfeeding problems. A nipple shield … Why are nipple shields used? Nipple shields may be helpful for babies who have trouble sucking, such as: … well as full-term babies. Suction is important because it helps the baby get enough of the nipple in his or her mouth. …
Health topics
… wait for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find … together or one at a time, ask for help. Consider joining a support group for parents of twins or more. Sharing your … together or one at a time, ask for help. Consider joining a support group for parents of twins or more. Sharing your …
Health topics
… have bipolar disorder, there are some things you can do to help prevent a manic episode. These include: Learning the … plan in place before any mood changes occur will help your support network help you make good decisions. Reduce stress … plan in place before any mood changes occur will help your support network help you make good decisions. Reduce stress …
Health topics
… for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially … bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask to help you sleep. Take a warm bath before bed. Make your own … your baby sleeps. In addition to rest, exercise will also help you feel your best. For the time you are breastfeeding, …