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2676 results found
Health topics
… Basics What is hoarding disorder? Hoarding disorder is an illness … every 100 people, 2 to 6 have hoarding disorder. footnote 1 What causes it? The exact cause of hoarding disorder isn't … started after a stressful or traumatic event in their life. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of hoarding disorder …
Health topics
… Shock) On this page: What is sepsis? Sepsis is a serious reaction to an … which limits blood flow to the body. It can cause death. What causes it? Most of the time, sepsis is caused by a … cannot fight infection. Sepsis can develop very quickly. What are the symptoms? Sepsis causes varied symptoms. …
Health topics
… page: What is motion sickness? If you've ever been sick to your … sometimes called airsickness, seasickness, or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of … your eyes see motion, but your body doesn't sense it. What are the symptoms? Motion sickness can cause: A general …
Health topics
… Colitis On this page: What is Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) colitis? … can be mild or serious. In rare cases, it can cause death. What causes it? The large intestine has many good bacteria … can help you decide which medicines to keep or change. What are the symptoms? Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) …
Health topics
… page: What is peripheral neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy is a … require coordination, such as walking or fastening buttons. What causes it? Doctors don't always know what causes peripheral neuropathy. It is often caused by …
Health topics
… Basics Conditions Basics What is amblyopia? Amblyopia is a childhood problem that … have good vision. Amblyopia is sometimes called "lazy eye." What causes it? Any condition that prevents your child's … or if your child had a premature birth or low birth weight. What are the symptoms? In most cases, amblyopia does not …
Health topics
… Basics What is breech position? During most of pregnancy, there is … leg or legs are in place to come out first during delivery. What causes it? Most of the time, there is no clear reason … for labour and delivery, plans can change. If something unexpected happens, your doctor may need to make some quick …
Health topics
… page: What is Raynaud's phenomenon? Raynaud's (say "ray-NOHZ") … is also called Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's disease. What causes it? Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is … the flow of blood, such as smoking and some medicines. What are the symptoms? During an attack of Raynaud's, the …
Health topics
… page: What is Guillain-Barré syndrome? Guillain-Barré syndrome … But most people get better and have few lasting problems. What causes Guillain-Barré syndrome? Experts don't know what causes it. They think that the nerves are attacked by …
Health topics
… Overview What are allergies to insect stings? When you are stung by … Your next reaction may be more severe or even deadly. What causes an allergic reaction to insect stings? An … They are: Bees. Wasps. Hornets. Yellow jackets. Fire ants. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of an allergic reaction can …