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1237 results found
Health topics
… baby within past 3 months Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are several areas where you may feel … can imagine? 8 to 10: Severe pain Severe pain 5 to 7: Moderate pain Moderate pain 1 to 4: Mild pain Mild pain Does the …
Health topics
… nodes in the armpit next to the infected breast, a fast heart rate, and flu-like symptoms that get worse. Mastitis can … nodes in the armpit next to the infected breast, a fast heart rate, and flu-like symptoms that get worse. The …
Health topics
… you look and feel your best and lowers your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some … To feel your best, you need at least 2½ hours of moderate activity a week. Brisk walking is an example. But any activities that raise your heart rate and make you breathe harder—including daily …
Health topics
… 2 On the other hand, constant pain or a health problem like heart disease can affect your emotions. You might become … attack. Your body releases hormones that speed up your heart rate and breathing, increase blood pressure, and make your …
Health topics
… used for a previous caesarean. A fetal ultrasound . Fetal heart monitoring , which is also used during labour and delivery to watch for fetal distress. Fetal heart monitoring can also help detect a sudden uterine … followed by a sudden and then ongoing drop in fetal heart rate. The mother might notice bleeding and pain. What To …
Health topics
… It can help prevent serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Eating healthy … at a healthy weight. Try to do at least 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous activity every week. Change your thinking. … health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis or joint pain, and …
Health topics
… Organs most often transplanted are: Kidney . Liver . Heart . Pancreas . Lung . Small intestine . More than one organ can be transplanted at one time. For example, a heart and lung transplant is possible. Who can get a … The medical staff who take care of you are completely separate from the organ donation system. Only when a donor has …
Health topics
… person may dismiss serious symptoms, such as symptoms of a heart attack , as "just gas" or indigestion . Check Your … the tool asks the right questions for you. Do you have moderate or severe belly pain? This is not the cramping type of … pain No Abdominal pain Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are …
Health topics
… frets or feels anxious from time to time. Mild to moderate anxiety can help you focus your attention, energy, and … fullness in the throat or chest. Breathlessness or a rapid heartbeat. Light-headedness or dizziness . Sweaty or cold, … Substance use problems. A physical problem, like heart or lung disease. A complete medical checkup may be …
Health topics
… occur as symptoms of other more serious problems, such as a heart attack, a transient ischemic attack (TIA) , or a stroke . Sometimes the first symptom of a heart attack is pain in the left arm. Most minor arm … than signs of pain in an older child . 5 to 10: Moderate to severe pain Moderate to severe pain 1 to 4: Mild …