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Health topics
… sugar, you decrease your risk for other health problems caused by diabetes, such as eye problems, kidney disease, and … to meet target ranges and A1c goals. If you decide to use insulin, you'll learn what type is best for you and how … control. Sometimes your doctor may recommend insulin because of other health problems, such as kidney complications. …
Health topics
… Some people are avoiding clinics and hospitals because they're worried about COVID-19. But health emergencies … but it's the safest place for you. Wash your hands often. Use soap and water, and scrub for 20 seconds. Then rinse and dry them well. Always wash them after you use the bathroom, before you eat, and after you cough, …
Health topics
… out. A choking rescue procedure (the Heimlich manoeuvre) is used to clear an obstruction in adults and children older than 1 year. Back blows and chest thrusts are used in babies younger than 1 year. Health Tools Health … hand. Give a quick upward thrust into the belly. This may cause the object to pop out. You may need to use more force …
Health topics
… hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes in time zones, meal schedules, and types of … Pack a small disposable container with you to hold your used lancets and needles (wide-mouth plastic soda pop or … make sure that your insulin works properly. If you normally use an insulin pump, consider switching to insulin …
Health topics
… Medicines for ADHD may help your child be more calm and focused. Stimulant medicines are often used to treat ADHD. If they don't work, your child's doctor … prescribe a non-stimulant medicine. Non-stimulants may be used alone or along with stimulants. Here are some ways to …
Health topics
… surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medicines you can use for pain after the surgery. You can also talk to your … to help ease pain. Chest tubes One or more chest tubes are used after surgery to drain your chest cavity of fluid and … surgery. Treatments usually involve deep breathing and the use of a spirometer . Medicines may also be used to help …
Health topics
… Overview Herbal supplements that may be used to relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia … either study how the extract was made or how much the men used. See more information on rye grass pollen extract . … up for very long. The type of extract and how much was used was also different in each study, so the results are …
Health topics
… A urinary catheter is a flexible plastic tube that's used to drain urine from the bladder when a person can't … When the catheter is in the bladder, a small balloon is used to keep the catheter in place. The catheter lets urine … the bladder into a collection bag. Urinary catheters can be used in both men and women . A catheter that stays in place …
Health topics
… bring close objects into focus. As a result, images are focused behind the retina instead of directly on it, leaving … farther from your face helps you see the words. What causes it? Presbyopia is a natural part of aging. As you grow … it happens quickly. What happens Near vision gets worse because of presbyopia starting around age 40. It gradually gets …
Health topics
… your baby is stronger and more mature, tube feeding is used. It can feed breast milk, formula, or a combination of … directly at the breast for all feedings. If needed, you can use a syringe, a cup, or some other device to feed breast … In some cases, your health care team may suggest that you use donated breast milk from an accredited milk bank. To …