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Health topics
… of an illness that will go away on its own. A rash may be caused by contact with a substance outside the body, such as … rash). Generalized rashes are over the whole body. Ones caused by viruses are more common in babies and young children than in …
Health topics
… be removed if they get irritated, bleed, or bother you. Causes of skin changes Causes of skin changes may include: Hormones. Acne is a common … of skin that are darker than the nearby skin. It can be caused by many things, including hormone changes during …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Suicide is a leading cause of death for people in most age groups. But often people … People who have suicidal thoughts may not seek help because they feel helpless, hopeless, or worthless. These … suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get …
Health topics
… pump blood through your lungs. Pulmonary hypertension may cause heart failure . Heart failure means that your heart … can do to feel better and stay as active as you can. What causes it? There are several types of pulmonary hypertension with different causes. For example, it may be caused by: Another disease. …
Health topics
… Health Topics Absorbent Products for Urinary Incontinence Abuse in Vulnerable Adults Abuse: Signs of Abuse-Related Injuries Advance Care Plan: What to Include …
Health topics
… and epi-LASIK (epithelial laser in-situ keratomileusis) use a laser to reshape the cornea . By reshaping the cornea, … The layer grows back during the healing process. PRK may be used to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism at the same … are different from LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) because they don't involve cutting flaps of the cornea. Many …
Health topics
… your symptoms. How to prevent and treat flares. How to use your medicines and inhalers. How to save energy and make … family cope with your condition and the problems it can cause. One benefit of a rehab program is the chance to meet … and diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing). They can be used to help you get through periods when you feel more …
Health topics
… as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job stress. More responsibility. You can feel stress … conditions, such as crowding or ergonomic problems, can cause stress. How to get started Any job can have stress, even … spilling into your personal life. What kinds of events cause stress for you at work? Focus on one or two things you …
Health topics
… have a more serious problem that needs treatment. What causes it? Normally, the muscles in your throat and esophagus … , or Parkinson's disease . An immune system problem that causes swelling (or inflammation) and weakness, such as … can also make the lower esophageal muscle weak, which may cause food and stomach acid to come back up into your throat …
Health topics
… upper arm, or thigh. If an alcohol swab is available, use it to clean the skin where you will give the injection. … angle that you inserted it. Press an alcohol swab, if you used one, against the injection site. Do not recap the … they should talk to a doctor to try to find out what caused the low blood sugar. Some causes include too much …