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1943 results found
Health topics
… bones of the spine (vertebrae) don't form properly around part of the baby's spinal cord. Spina bifida can be mild or … their spine, such as scoliosis. How is it diagnosed? During pregnancy, you can have a blood test (quad screen) and an … to put in a drainage tube called a shunt. It relieves pressure on the brain by draining excess fluid into the …
Health topics
… alcohol from your system, you can start the next, healthier part of your life. After detox, you will focus on staying … fluids. Eat snacks such as fruit, cheese and crackers, and pretzels. High-carbohydrate foods may help reduce the … fluids. Eat snacks such as fruit, cheese and crackers, and pretzels. High-carbohydrate foods may help reduce the …
Health topics
… with bare hands. Grab the tick as close to its mouth (the part that is stuck in your skin) as you can. The body of the … tick's body and leave the head in your skin. If the mouthparts break off and remain in the skin, remove them with … have removed the tick's head. If you do not see any obvious parts of the tick's head where it bit you, assume you have …
Health topics
… to start taking more responsibility for their own health. Part of that means learning how to eat the right foods at … safe. The goal is to meet your child's daily needs and prepare ahead of time for any problems. The plan includes: … sugar at the right level. Tell them that they shouldn't prevent your child from having snacks. And tell them when …
Health topics
… the office to see how it looks. Does the dentist dress the part? Will he or she wear something that puts the child more … have children's material? Does the dentist allow you to be present during treatment? This may be important with young children. But older children and teens may prefer to be on their own. The dentist's "chairside manner" …
Health topics
… Neutropenia: Preventing Infections On this page: … called neutrophils. White blood cells are an important part of your body's immune system . Neutrophils help protect … Your doctor can tell you how long to keep up these precautions. What are the signs of infection? Fever is a …
Health topics
… to shorten the episode or decrease its intensity. Certain preventive measures may also help. Colic gradually goes away on its own, regardless of what you do. Prevention Keep a diary to chart your baby's daily … and discuss your concerns at any time. This is especially true if comfort measures keep failing or if you notice other …
Health topics
… Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine partly based on the idea that an energy, called chi (say … thin metal needles placed along the body's meridians. Acupressure. During this therapy, direct pressure is applied to points along the body's meridians. …
Health topics
… if your family member continues to take the medicines as prescribed. Relapses are part of the illness. Accept the fact that some people will … If you need help encouraging your family member to take prescribed medicines, talk with a health professional who …
Health topics
… This is the ability to understand words and sounds. Expressive language. This is the ability to use speech and … Speech and language milestones Age Receptive language Expressive language 3-year-olds: Follow two-part requests, such as "put your pyjamas in the hamper and …