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2062 results found
Health topics
… gently. For example, ask "Would you like me to do your breathing exercises with you?" instead of "You need to do your breathing exercises." Learn from your loved one what it … muscle mass. This includes the muscles that help with breathing. It can make it harder for your loved one to …
Health topics
… taking the medicine How is the medicine taken (for example, orally [by mouth] or through a skin patch)? What amount do I … taking the medicine How is the medicine taken (for example, orally [by mouth] or through a skin patch)? What amount do I …
Health topics
… a sudden, intense fear or anxiety. It may make you short of breath or dizzy or make your heart pound. You may feel out … fear, terror, or anxiety. Other symptoms include trouble breathing, chest pain or tightness, and a fast or irregular … response . It speeds up your heart, makes you breathe faster, and gives you a burst of energy. It gets you …
Health topics
… can cause things like upper body obesity and skin tags. Breathing problems while sleeping ( obstructive sleep apnea … that you put on your skin (topical) or take by mouth (oral). You may notice an improvement in your acne after … can cause things like upper body obesity and skin tags. Breathing problems while sleeping ( obstructive sleep apnea …
Health topics
… congenital heart disease. Learn how to do CPR and rescue breathing. It is important to know this in case your child stops breathing. Learn what to do if your child has "blue spells." … to take excellent care of their teeth throughout life. Good oral care can limit the growth of mouth bacteria that could …
Health topics
… aorta. What are the symptoms? Symptoms include shortness of breath and chest pain or pressure (angina), especially when you're active. You may have trouble breathing at night. You may feel tired and weak. Some people … heart is severely affected. Symptoms include: Shortness of breath, especially when you're active. Fatigue and weakness. …
Health topics
… the body). If you did an activity that caused you to breathe hard and raised your heart rate, such as jogging, …
Health topics
… may sound hoarse with a high-pitched sound (stridor) when breathing in. Home treatment may be all that is needed in … that continues through the day or occurs with difficulty breathing can be more serious. A child may cough in response … is more likely to be serious if it: Occurs with difficulty breathing . Is persistent, especially if it interferes with …
Health topics
… or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange … likely than men to have other symptoms like shortness of breath, tiredness, nausea, and back or jaw pain. Other … The pain may be worse when you cough or try to take a deep breath. Swelling (inflammation) of the thin layers of tissue …
Health topics
… to be. For example, your weight isn't changing, and you can breathe easily. The yellow zone means you need to call your … have changed. For example, you might have more shortness of breath. The red zone means that you need to call 9-1-1 and … away. You have emergency symptoms, like severe trouble breathing. How do you use a daily action plan? Learning the …