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1678 results found
Health topics
… is now at her goal weight. Along the way, she lowered her blood pressure and blood sugar, and her asthma symptoms went away. "I had a tendency to do what I call all or nothing at all," says Maggie, a nurse. "I would either be very … too strict." "I finally realized it wasn't a time-limited thing. It wasn't like, 'Well, I'm going to be really good …
Health topics
… a testicular prosthesis include infection and bleeding or blood clots in the scrotum. But these problems aren't … a testicular prosthesis include infection and bleeding or blood clots in the scrotum. But these problems aren't …
Health topics
… increase your speed so your heart rate rises and more blood flows to your muscles. For example, start walking at a …
Health topics
… another health problem, such as: A fever. An extremely low blood sugar level in a person who has diabetes . Damage to … depends on what caused it. Check Your Symptoms Do you think that you have had a seizure? Yes Seizure No Seizure … headache Did the seizure occur after you swallowed something poisonous, drank a lot of alcohol, or used illegal …
Health topics
… careful psychiatric monitoring You have a history of low blood flow to vessels that supply the heart, known as … other effects may have faded. You can feel the effects within seconds to minutes of smoking, vaporizing or dabbing cannabis. These effects can peak within 30 minutes and last up to 6 hours with some residual …
Health topics
… cramps. Some foodborne illness can cause a high fever and blood in your stool. If you vomit or have diarrhea a lot, … freeze meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and ready-to-eat foods within 2 hours. Make sure your refrigerator is set at 4 °C (40 … sunken eyes, no tears, and a dry mouth and tongue; fast breathing and heartbeat; feeling very dizzy or light-headed; and …
Health topics
… that damaged tissue in the newborn's lungs is causing breathing and health problems. The lungs trap air or collapse, … distress syndrome . But a ventilator's forced breathing and high oxygen levels can damage a baby's lungs. … condition called patent ductus arteriosus that affects blood flow to the lungs. Breathing meconium into the lungs …
Health topics
… symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. Shortness of breath While … you may have orthopnea is that when you lie flat, the blood that ordinarily pools in the veins of your legs is reentering your bloodstream. If you have heart failure, your heart may not …
Health topics
… or overweight and have other health problems, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. These medicines may help some … doesn't work for everyone. If you don't lose weight within 4 weeks after you start the medicine, it probably won't … doesn't work for everyone. If you don't lose weight within 4 weeks after you start the medicine, it probably won't …
Health topics
… your baby has an increased chance of a health problem. Many things can put you at high risk. Being called "high-risk" … You have a health problem, such as: Diabetes . Cancer. High blood pressure . Kidney disease . Epilepsy . You use alcohol … for women and babies who may have problems. If your doctor thinks that your health or your baby's health is at risk, …