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Health topics
… No Fingers, hand, or wrist surgery in the past month Do you think that any of your fingers might have frostbite? Yes … is or was dislocated Is the finger or hand trapped in something, like a jar or a toy? Yes Trapped finger or hand No … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… how someone eats, the less agreement you get. Stop and think a moment. When you're in need, how does it feel to … another person? Do you feel relief, or gratitude? Maybe something else? How does it feel when you and your helper don't … use food to prevent big jumps and drops in your loved one's blood sugar. For example, eating only noodles makes blood
Health topics
… short of breath. Other signs may include chest pain and blood in mucus that is coughed up. How is it diagnosed? Your … is based on the type and stage of the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. The main treatments are … that doesn't go away and often gets worse with deep breathing. New wheezing. Shortness of breath. Hoarseness. …
Health topics
… moderation. Don't have too much or too little of one thing. All foods, if eaten in moderation, can be part of … you handle stress better. Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control many health problems, such as: Heart disease. High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Some types of cancer. Is …
Health topics
… (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from the damage … This means learning exercise, eating, and breathing tips and other ways to help yourself stay as healthy … not smoke or have stopped smoking. You have difficulty breathing because of COPD or emphysema. Injections of …
Health topics
… For more information about what to consider if you are thinking about having immunotherapy, see: Allergies: Should … symptoms such as hives , itching, or difficulty breathing. In rare cases, a person may have a severe allergic … heart conditions, glaucoma , migraine headaches , and high blood pressure . Are taking ACE inhibitors, such as …
Health topics
… after the surgery. You can also talk to your doctor about things you can do at home to help ease pain. Chest tubes One … used after surgery to drain your chest cavity of fluid and blood, which are present after lung surgery. The chest tubes … treatments A respiratory therapist will help you with breathing treatments to improve your lung function after …
Health topics
… especially to cold water. Other medical conditions, such as blood flow problems (peripheral arterial disease), kidney … before you find what works best for you. Here are some things you can try: Stretch and massage the muscle. Take a … such as Gatorade, will often help leg cramps. Here are some things you can try for a leg cramp: Walk around, or jiggle …
Health topics
… hands before and after you're done. Here are some other things to remember when caring for someone's catheter: Make … a container. Do not let the tubing or drain spout touch anything. After you empty the bag, close the valve and put the … rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back. Blood in your urine. A fever. Your urine smells bad. You see …
Health topics
… developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood. It can damage and affect the … to do more tests, if needed, as your child grows. If you think you might have a drinking problem, talk with your … to do more tests, if needed, as your child grows. If you think you might have a drinking problem, talk with your …