1678 results found
Health topics
… age 55. For women, it means being diagnosed before 65. Things that increase your risk include: Inherited risk … coronary artery disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, may be related to certain inherited genes . … age 55. For women, it means being diagnosed before 65. Things that increase your risk include: Inherited risk …
Health topics
… vomiting, swelling of the throat, wheezing, or problems breathing. Blood vessels can be involved and cause a circulatory … vomiting, swelling of the throat, wheezing, or problems breathing. Blood vessels can be involved and cause a circulatory …
Health topics
… your health may help build well-being. These include everything from how you deal with stress to eating and sleeping … in any of those areas may improve well-being. Here are some things you can do. Practice gratitude. Be thankful for your … enough sleep may increase your risk of injuries, high blood pressure, and feeling depressed. Going to bed and …
Health topics
… as much heat energy. They also have less body fat. Their blood vessels do not narrow (constrict) and conserve body … as much heat energy. They also have less body fat. Their blood vessels do not narrow (constrict) and conserve body …
Health topics
… Use this form for any tests your doctor recommends, such as blood tests, urine tests, or X-rays. General questions What … Use this form for any tests your doctor recommends, such as blood tests, urine tests, or X-rays. General questions What …
Health topics
… name): What will the medicine do (for example, decrease blood pressure)? Why do I need this medicine? Are there any … name): What will the medicine do (for example, decrease blood pressure)? Why do I need this medicine? Are there any …
Health topics
… Do not use these medicines if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, thyroid problems, … Do not use these medicines if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, thyroid problems, …
Health topics
… trained family member or a visiting nurse) will: Check your blood pressure. Check your weight. Monitor your baby's … trained family member or a visiting nurse) will: Check your blood pressure. Check your weight. Monitor your baby's …
Health topics
… and problems with wound healing. Injury to the nerves or blood vessels of the shoulder. Lack of good range of motion … and is a good pain reliever after an activity. Some other things that you may try include: Acupuncture . It involves … on your body to try to relieve pain. Relaxation and breathing exercises , such as meditation, guided imagery, and …
Health topics
… symptoms. Have a non-surgical procedure that cuts off the blood flow to hemorrhoids. This works only for internal … conditions include: Bleeding disorders or taking blood thinners. HIV infection or AIDS. Rectal prolapse . Anal … try, and they have helped. But I still feel like I need something more. It concerns me to have rectal bleeding, although …