323 results found
Health topics
… you may feel like you have influenza (flu), with a sore throat, a mild fever, and muscle aches. But you may also … after exposure. At first you may have mouth ulcers, a sore throat, trouble swallowing, loss of appetite, vomiting, or a … is confirmed when the bacteria are identified from a culture of your blood, spinal fluid, skin sores, or mucus …
Health topics
… For example, your doctor may suspect that you have strep throat. So the doctor orders a throat culture to see if streptococcus bacteria are present. A …
Health topics
… Sexually Transmitted Infections: Treatment Ear, nose, and throat Bites and Stings: Flu-Like Symptoms Complications of … Bugs Recurrent Ear Infections and Persistent Effusion Sore Throat and Other Throat Problems Strep Throat Tick Bites: Flu-Like Symptoms …
Health topics
… at your local recreation centre or swimming pool. Create a culture of fitness Give activity-related gifts on holidays …
Health topics
… and acute bronchitis , may include: Blood tests or cultures. Blood tests may help tell if you have antibodies … respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) . Doctors can use blood cultures to test for bacteria in your bloodstream. Oximetry. … samples of tissue, fluid, or mucus . Transtracheal mucus cultures (rarely done). These tests are performed on a mucus …
Health topics
… to popular music together to explore and talk about youth culture. Play games and quizzes to get teens talking and …
Health topics
… improving with treatment, your doctor may do a breast milk culture . To provide a sample for a culture, you will squeeze a small sample of milk from the affected breast onto a sterile swab. The culture results help your doctor confirm a diagnosis and …
Health topics
… sweats). Doctors will also look at the results of a: Sputum culture . Testing mucus from the lungs (sputum culture) is the best way to diagnose active TB. But a sputum culture can take 1 to 8 weeks to provide results. Sputum …
Health topics
… intestine is lactic acid bacteria. It's in yogurt with live cultures. Yeast is another probiotic. Why are probiotics … long time. Examples include those in fermented foods and cultured milk products. These appear to be safe for most … intestine is lactic acid bacteria. It's in yogurt with live cultures. Yeast is another probiotic. Why are probiotics …
Health topics
… using a physical examination and a medical history. A culture of discharge from the penis is done to check for a … sexually transmitted infection. And a urinalysis and urine culture are done to check for a urinary tract infection . … using a physical examination and a medical history. A culture of discharge from the penis is done to check for a …