323 results found
Health topics
… An injury to the roof of your mouth, the back of your throat, or a tonsil can injure deeper tissues in your head … Have you had rapid swelling of the mouth, tongue, or throat? Yes Rapid swelling of mouth, tongue, or throat No Rapid swelling of mouth, tongue, or throat Did the …
Health topics
… serious illnesses, such as measles or scarlet fever (strep throat with rash). Generalized rashes are over the whole … that are raw and ooze fluid Does your child have a sore throat? Certain illnesses can cause a rash and a sore throat. Your child may need to be seen sooner if he or she …
Health topics
… may include: Runny nose and sneezing. Red eyes. Sore throat and cough. Headache. Body aches. Colds usually last 1 … may include: Runny nose and sneezing. Red eyes. Sore throat and cough. Headache. Body aches. Colds usually last 1 …
Health topics
… large areas that are raw and ooze fluid Do you have a sore throat? Certain illnesses can cause a rash and a sore throat. You may need to be seen sooner if you have both. Yes Sore throat No Sore throat Are there sores or a rash in the …
Health topics
… Suck on cough drops or hard candies to soothe a dry or sore throat. Cough drops won't stop your cough, but they may make your throat feel better. Breathe moist air from a humidifier, a … Suck on cough drops or hard candies to soothe a dry or sore throat. Cough drops won't stop your cough, but they may make …
Health topics
… may injure blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. Also, the throat and lungs can swell rapidly and severely, making … chemical may be poisonous or may cause burning in the throat and esophagus. Keep the following types of items … may injure blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. Also, the throat and lungs can swell rapidly and severely, making …
Health topics
… Some blood may drain down the back of the nose into the throat. Many things may make a nosebleed more likely. They … Large amounts of blood may run down the back of the throat. This type occurs more often in older adults because … tilt your head back. This may cause blood to run down your throat and make you vomit.) Pinch the front, soft part of …
Health topics
Health topics
… of E. coli . Learn more Digital Rectal Examination Stool Culture Treatment Overview An E. coli infection usually goes … of E. coli . Learn more Digital Rectal Examination Stool Culture Treatment Overview An E. coli infection usually goes …
Health topics
… different kind of bacteria than the kind that causes strep throat. You may have this kind of bacteria in your body. … different kind of bacteria than the kind that causes strep throat. You may have this kind of bacteria in your body. …