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Health topics
… skin rubs. They may become large and cause severe pain. How are they treated? You can sometimes care for a boil at … heals. You need to take the full course of antibiotics. How can you prevent boils? If you often get boils in the … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … What are …
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… is your baby's first way of communicating with you. This is how he or she lets you know about having a wet diaper, being … Once your baby's need is met, the crying usually stops. However, some young children seem to cry for no reason. It … Then you can be with your baby in a loving and healthy way. How can you soothe a crying baby? Over time, you'll learn …
Health topics
… the insertion of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). How does it work? The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) … is the chamber that pumps blood into your aorta. Here's how an IABP works: After your left ventricle has finished … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview An intra-aortic …
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… infertility require specialized training and experience. How likely is pregnancy after treatment with ART? This … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview When thinking about … infertility require specialized training and experience. How likely is pregnancy after treatment with ART? This …
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… connection between the urinary tract and the vagina. How is it treated? Total incontinence is usually treated by … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Total incontinence … connection between the urinary tract and the vagina. How is it treated? Total incontinence is usually treated by …
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… mass. Cardiac cachexia can require supplemental nutrition. How it happens Heart failure may cause blood to back up into … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Cardiac cachexia is … mass. Cardiac cachexia can require supplemental nutrition. How it happens Heart failure may cause blood to back up into …
Health topics
… poisoning, what to do if you have the symptoms, and how to keep it from happening. What causes it? Carbon … people you work or live with have the same symptoms you do. How is it diagnosed? It can be hard to know if you have … health and to look for problems caused by carbon monoxide. How is carbon monoxide poisoning treated? The best treatment …
Health topics
… could release the virus and spread smallpox to many people. How is it spread? Smallpox is contagious. It can be passed … many differences between chickenpox and smallpox rashes . How is it diagnosed? If a doctor suspected a case of … ask about symptoms and possible exposure to the disease. How is smallpox treated? There is no known cure for …
Health topics
… over a long period of time. Develop emphysema, and X-rays show less density in the lungs than normal (basilar … 20 pack years. (To figure out your pack years, multiply how many packs a day on average [assuming 20 cigarettes per pack] you have smoked by how many years you have smoked.) How is alpha-1 antitrypsin …
Health topics
… of the nose that creates the appearance of crossed eyes. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can often tell that a child … each eye. This allows the doctor to see which eye turns, how much it turns, and under what circumstances the abnormal … your child's doctor, or take your child to an eye doctor. How is strabismus treated? Common treatments for strabismus …