3988 results found
Health topics
… things to know. You will want people to help you during your pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your new baby. It's best to talk with your pregnancy doctor ( family doctor , midwife , or …
Health topics
… Information Overview Flexibility means being able to move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion. … reach things on high shelves, look under a bed, or even tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination. It's best to warm your muscles a bit before you stretch them. Walk or do some …
Health topics
… November 1, 2016 Overview When setting a fitness goal for yourself, there are several things you can do to make your goal easier to achieve. Goals should be SMART – … attainable, realistic, and time frame. Specific If you set yourself a general goal like “to get fit”, it’s hard to know …
Health topics
… constantly feel tired or listless. You can't move ahead on your fitness goals, or you move backward in your level of fitness. You suddenly lose weight. Your resting heart rate has gone up by 5 beats per minute. …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … Each type works in a different way to help you control your blood sugar. For example, some types of non-insulin …
Health topics
… Sugar On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor will give you goals for your blood sugar and recommend ways to treat high blood … mild to moderate high blood sugar. Follow these steps if your blood sugar is over the target range set by your …
Health topics
… of the voice box, or larynx (say "LAIR-inks"), that causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse. Laryngitis can be … symptoms are those that last 2 weeks or longer. Check with your doctor if your symptoms last longer than 2 weeks. Laryngitis may be …
Health topics
… from 9-12 months Last updated August 5, 2013 Watching your nine to 12 month old problem solve is fascinating - a … that things fall when dropped Match shapes. For example, your baby may place a cube in a matching square hole Play and activity As your baby's cognitive skills develop and flourish, be sure …
Health topics
… Dilated cardiomyopathy is a serious condition that weakens your heart muscle and causes it to stretch, or dilate. When your heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. As more blood fills and …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? There are … are common side effects. If this happens to you, talk to your doctor. There are other medicines that may help with …