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1788 results found
Health topics
… Treatment for your toe, foot, or ankle injury may include first aid (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), a … Post-Operative Problems Cold Temperature Exposure Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor toe, foot, … if you think that you might have a more severe injury, use first aid until you can be seen by a doctor. Clean a skin …
Health topics
… to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is … blood sugar low? Symptoms of low blood sugar may be mild at first but can quickly get worse. Yes Low blood sugar No Low … If you haven't used your plan or don't have one, take steps to get your blood sugar back up . Yes Has plan for …
Health topics
… you like to give your teacher hugs! Remember to always ask first." Or, "Going down the slide with a friend is really … you like to give your teacher hugs! Remember to always ask first." Or, "Going down the slide with a friend is really …
Health topics
… many babies have tripled their birth weight. After their first birthday, babies start gaining weight and growing at a … as "ptthhh," or repeat sounds, such as "ba-ba-ba-ba." Many toddlers favour practicing the "b" and "d" sounds. They may … as "ptthhh," or repeat sounds, such as "ba-ba-ba-ba." Many toddlers favour practicing the "b" and "d" sounds. They may …
Health topics
… Overview Children usually move in natural, predictable steps as they grow and develop language, cognitive, social, … Well What to Expect A lot of changes occur during a baby's first year. Here are some of the things that may happen. … steadily gain weight and grow in length throughout this first year, often in growth spurts . Cognitive development. …
Health topics
… causing vertigo moves freely and no longer causes symptoms. First, you sit on the examination table with your legs … causing vertigo moves freely and no longer causes symptoms. First, you sit on the examination table with your legs …
Health topics
… pain and redness but affect only the outer layer of skin ( first-degree burn ). The red skin might hurt when you touch … pain and swelling. You may need to check with your doctor first if you need to use the cream for a child younger than … pain and redness but affect only the outer layer of skin ( first-degree burn ). The red skin might hurt when you touch …
Health topics
… Other treatments for a back problem or injury may include first aid, physiotherapy, manipulative therapy (such as … Age 12 and Older Pregnancy-Related Problems Self-Care First aid for possible spinal injury The possibility of a … bath . Do this for 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day after the first 48 to 72 hours. This can be soothing to the tailbone …
Health topics
… lead to lifelong paralysis. It's important to use correct first aid to immobilize the injured person and then move him … Treatment for a neck problem or injury may include first aid, physiotherapy, manipulative therapy (such as … to the hospital. Post-Operative Problems Self-Care First aid for possible spinal injury The possibility of a …