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1788 results found
Health topics
… are slow to heal and often come back if you don't take steps to prevent them. A venous skin ulcer is also called a … of diabetic nerve damage. What are the symptoms? The first sign of a venous skin ulcer is skin that turns dark … also may be more tender and red. Call your doctor when you first notice the signs of a venous skin ulcer, because you …
Health topics
… Taking an active role in learning about your health is the first step towards self-care, and towards becoming and …
Health topics
… the instructions from your doctor or physiotherapist. At first, following an injury or a flare-up of symptoms of … of your quadriceps. Quad sets and mini squats may be the first exercises that your doctor or physiotherapist … to limit the bend of your knee to a 30-degree angle at first. When your knee is bent past this point, your kneecap …
Health topics
… can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. Some also can show you how many calories you've … phone or tablet. There are many apps that can track your steps or other activity and estimate how many calories you … can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. Some also can show you how many calories you've …
Health topics
… reach a healthy weight? Notice and stop your thoughts The first step is to notice and stop your negative thoughts or … reach a healthy weight? Notice and stop your thoughts The first step is to notice and stop your negative thoughts or …
Health topics
… planner and grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. … books for quick reference. This way, whoever gets home first can start dinner. The first few times you do this, it will seem like a fair amount …
Health topics
… You will need a friend to exchange massages. Use these steps to give your friend a shoulder and neck massage. Have … lets your friend's neck muscles relax. With the thumb and first finger of your other hand, make tiny circles at the … lets your friend's neck muscles relax. With the thumb and first finger of your other hand, make tiny circles at the …
Health topics
… side of your hip when you rise from a chair and take your first few steps, climb stairs, drive, or lie down with direct pressure … side of your hip when you rise from a chair and take your first few steps, climb stairs, drive, or lie down with …
Health topics
… and grow at a steady but slower pace than during their first 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, … Well?" at… to view standard growth charts. … Well?" at to view standard growth …
Health topics
… ring . Usually, a ring is started during one of the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle . The ring is replaced … day that you insert a new vaginal ring, then follow these steps. Use your fingers to tuck the vaginal ring into your … Did not use hormonal birth control last month Count the first day of your menstrual period as Day 1. Insert the …