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Health topics
… or through your local pharmacy . To learn more about next steps and how to manage your registration, visit After you …
Health topics
… has not worked. Ablation works well to stop SVT. If the first ablation does not get rid of SVT, you may need to have … might not work for 3 to 7 people out of 100. Sometimes the first ablation does not get rid of SVT completely. SVT might … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can …
Health topics
… whole leg or foot When did it start? Think about when you first noticed the weakness or numbness or when you first noticed a major change in the symptoms. Less than 4 … whole leg or foot When did it start? Think about when you first noticed the weakness or numbness or when you first
Health topics
… Physiotherapy for Spinal Stenosis Self-Care You can take steps to treat lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms at home. Be … to talk with your doctor before you start home treatment. Steps you can try include: Changing the way you do your … walking downhill) and standing for a length of time. Taking steps to lower your risk of falling. These steps include …
Health topics
… the uterus contracts to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens … pregnancy go on. Learn more Antibiotics Self-Care When you first have symptoms of preterm labour Symptoms of preterm … the uterus contracts to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Follow these steps to transport a piece of severed tongue. Wrap the piece … Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Follow these steps to transport a piece of severed tongue. Wrap the piece …
Health topics
… test for hepatitis C is usually done during pregnancy. First, a hepatitis C (HCV) antibody test is done. This shows … know that you have hepatitis C. This will help them take steps to protect your baby. Make sure your doctor or midwife … test for hepatitis C is usually done during pregnancy. First, a hepatitis C (HCV) antibody test is done. This shows …
Health topics
… toilet. When you are ready to empty the bag, follow these steps: Put on disposable gloves. Remove the drain spout from … in the bath. Some burning may happen when urinating for the first few times. If the burning lasts longer, it may be a … in the bath. Some burning may happen when urinating for the first few times. If the burning lasts longer, it may be a …
Health topics
… you have hearing loss until it is severe. Here are some steps you can take to lower your risk of noise-induced … not aware of it. Often, family members or friends are the first to notice the hearing loss. Social situations can be … magazines, and office papers, may be distracting. When you first get hearing aids, it may take you several weeks to …
Health topics
… and let your child try. Break up a complex task. Simple steps help a child see progress when learning a complex … such as riding a bicycle, don't expect perfection the first time. Help your child to not give up on the first try. Encourage your child to practice and talk about …