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1788 results found
Health topics
… and how hard to be physically active after a stroke. 7 Steps to Stroke Recovery – Step #1 – Exercise and Mobility …
Health topics
… is severe, or comes back. To treat jock itch, follow these steps: Wash the rash with soap and water. Pat the skin dry. … Dry off well after you exercise and shower. Try these other steps to prevent jock itch: Wash your workout clothes, … is severe, or comes back. To treat jock itch, follow these steps: Wash the rash with soap and water. Pat the skin dry. …
Health topics
… on stairways and ramps extend beyond the top and bottom steps, because people often stumble when they miss a step at … on stairways and ramps extend beyond the top and bottom steps, because people often stumble when they miss a step at …
Health topics
… has been over time. If you print a growth chart, use the steps that follow. Then keep the chart so that you can track … that BMI-for-age is just a guide. Your doctor can give you steps to take to help your child reach and stay at a healthy … has been over time. If you print a growth chart, use the steps that follow. Then keep the chart so that you can track …
Health topics
… risks too. Talk to your doctor about what cancer-prevention steps are best for you. Things you can do Here are some steps you can take that may help prevent cancer. Quit … risks too. Talk to your doctor about what cancer-prevention steps are best for you. Things you can do Here are some …
Health topics
… to prevent primary ovarian insufficiency. But you can take steps to protect your overall health. This condition can … D may help slow bone loss. Talk to your doctor about other steps you can take. Infertility … to prevent primary ovarian insufficiency. But you can take steps to protect your overall health. This condition can …
Health topics
… test such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) in the first trimester or amniocentesis in the second trimester—to … have or not have tests. Screening tests may be done in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. First trimester … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can …
Health topics
… heart defects are found at birth or during a baby's first few months. A newborn screening test may find a heart … murmurs in your baby's heart during a routine checkup. The first sign may be a bluish tint to the baby's skin. After a … The surgery may be done right away, done over several steps, or delayed until the baby is stronger. Sometimes …
Health topics
… to your child unless you've checked with your doctor first. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, … to your child unless you've checked with your doctor first. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, …
Health topics
… it. Sometimes all of the cancer isn't removed during the first surgery. If this happens, you will need to have … that all of the cancer may not have been removed during the first surgery. If this happens, you will need to have … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can …