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1787 results found
Health topics
… for younger people and for people who are donating for the first time. If you have fainted after donating blood and you … not be allowed to donate blood if any of these screening steps suggests a problem. Deferred-donor lists. … for younger people and for people who are donating for the first time. If you have fainted after donating blood and you …
Health topics
… kidney disease gets worse. They include: Swelling (edema), first in the feet and legs and later throughout your body. … II receptor blockers, also called ARBs. There are other steps you can take. For example: Keep your blood sugar … kidney disease gets worse. They include: Swelling (edema), first in the feet and legs and later throughout your body. …
Health topics
… problems with drugs or alcohol, treatment can help. The first step is often detoxification, along with medical care. … problems with drugs or alcohol, treatment can help. The first step is often detoxification, along with medical care. …
Health topics
… Services A health service navigator is usually your first point of contact when you call 8-1-1 . Navigators can: … 8-1-1 . Nurses can assess symptoms and help determine next steps.  This may include providing home treatment options or …
Health topics
… 1. 1, If I have hemorrhoids, I should try home treatment first. True You're right! Try eating more fibre, drinking … False Sorry, that's the wrong answer. Try home treatment first: Eat more fibre, drink more fluids, use a stool … the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can …
Health topics
Health topics
… a treatment plan. How can you prevent it? The following steps may help prevent oral cancer. Don't use tobacco in any … a treatment plan. How can you prevent it? The following steps may help prevent oral cancer. Don't use tobacco in any …
Health topics
… or ruffles that could get caught in an appliance. Take steps to prevent a frozen shoulder. Support your affected … or ruffles that could get caught in an appliance. Take steps to prevent a frozen shoulder. Support your affected …
Health topics
… many public places. Before you use an AED, follow all the steps for CPR. To use an AED, place it next to the person … many public places. Before you use an AED, follow all the steps for CPR. To use an AED, place it next to the person …