1787 results found
Health topics
… or not enough space for the tooth to grow. All of a child's first 20 primary teeth should come in between the ages of 6 … come in a little earlier than boys' teeth do. Your child's first permanent molars emerge from the gum behind the … or not enough space for the tooth to grow. All of a child's first 20 primary teeth should come in between the ages of 6 …
Health topics
… take iron pills on your own without seeing your doctor first. If you take iron pills without talking with your doctor first, the pills may cause you to have too much iron in your … take iron pills on your own without seeing your doctor first. If you take iron pills without talking with your …
Health topics
… begins between the ages of 11 and 15. If you haven't had a first period by age 15, it's called primary amenorrhea. This … cycles, which are very common in teens, particularly in the first couple of years after menstruation begins. Primary … begins between the ages of 11 and 15. If you haven't had a first period by age 15, it's called primary amenorrhea. This …
Health topics
… milk. The most common times when parents worry are in the first few days before their milk ‘comes in’, especially at … your baby a supplement, speak to your healthcare provider first. They can help you determine what your options are, …
Health topics
… joints. A baby may be born with it, or it may happen in the first year of life. In a normal hip, the thigh bone (femur) … it, including: Having a family history of DDH. Being the firstborn child. Being female. Being born buttocks-first (breech position). Having the legs swaddled tightly. …
Health topics
… East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is an illness that was first found in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to … lung problems like pneumonia. Experts believe MERS may have first developed in animals, because the virus has been found … The incubation period-the time from when a person is first exposed to MERS until symptoms appear-is usually 5 to …
Health topics
… noses, and foreheads. This baby acne may show up during the first few weeks of life and usually clears up on its own … spots very often appear on a newborn's face during the first week. The spots are called milia (say "MIL-ee-uh"). … aren't harmful. The baby's skin looks blotchy. During the first day or two of life, many babies get harmless red …
Health topics
… depression is a serious illness that can happen in the first few months after childbirth. It also can happen after … sleeping or poor appetite. Symptoms can happen in the first day or two after the birth or a couple of weeks after … tell your doctor about any feelings of "baby blues" at your first checkup after the baby is born. Your doctor will want …
Health topics
… to have ear infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis in the first few years of their lives. Second-hand smoke can make … problems that are caused by allergens in your home. Take steps to help control viruses on household surfaces and in … to have ear infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis in the first few years of their lives. Second-hand smoke can make …
Health topics
… have side effects. But most side effects go away after the first week or so. The patch is easy to use, because: You put … replacement products are mild and only bother them for the first week or two. People who smoke heavily and choose the … have side effects. But most side effects go away after the first week or so. The patch is easy to use, because: You put …