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… builds up in the lungs, causing breathing failure and low oxygen levels in the blood. ARDS is life-threatening, … it keeps organs like the brain and kidneys from getting the oxygen they need to work. ARDS occurs most often in people … tests. An arterial blood gas test may be done to check oxygen levels in the blood. You may have other tests, …
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… with their benefits and side effects: Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen (Entonox), commonly known as laughing gas Side …
Health topics
… syndrome . But a ventilator's forced breathing and high oxygen levels can damage a baby's lungs. Infections. … The diagnosis is confirmed if your baby needs extra oxygen for at least 28 days after birth. Based on your … gestational age and how much longer your baby needs extra oxygen, your doctor will know how severe the disease is. …
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… his or her lungs, the lungs were no longer able to supply oxygen to your child's body. Lack of oxygen quickly affects organs throughout the body, including … doctor care for your child. Some of the tubes may supply oxygen, fluid, and medicines. The wires are hooked to …
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… rate to maintain an adequate and continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain and other vital … your normal cardiac output, because your muscles need more oxygen when you exert yourself. During exercise, your heart … helps keep blood pressure at the levels needed to supply oxygen-rich blood to your brain and other vital organs. …
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… Most divers who have decompression sickness also get pure oxygen right away after they have symptoms. If you have a … Most divers who have decompression sickness also get pure oxygen right away after they have symptoms. If you have a …
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… can significantly increase the body's need for blood and oxygen, resulting in high-output heart failure. These … heart failure? Severe anemia Blood contains too few oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Requires the heart to pump more blood each minute to deliver enough oxygen to the tissues of the body Hyperthyroidism Thyroid …
Health topics
… dehydration , cold temperatures, infection, stress, and low oxygen intake. Here are some tips for preventing a crisis. … prevent dehydration. If you get dehydrated or reduced blood oxygen levels with strenuous exercise, it may cause red … cells to sickle. Avoid things that can reduce your blood oxygen level. These include cigarette smoke, high altitudes, …
Health topics
… in your chest prevents the lungs from getting enough oxygen into the blood. What causes it? A pneumothorax is … Your doctor may also do blood tests to measure the level of oxygen in your blood. You may need a CT scan or ultrasound … you will need to be checked by your doctor. In some cases, oxygen may be given (through a mask). More serious cases are …