2846 results found
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… levels under control. Key points to remember The goal in treating type 2 diabetes is to keep blood sugar under … your blood sugar, you decrease your risk for other health problems caused by diabetes, such as eye problems, kidney … control. FAQs How is type 2 diabetes treated? The goal in treating type 2 diabetes is to control blood sugar levels by …
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… your child's daily needs and prepare ahead of time for any problems. The plan includes: Foods your child can eat, how … your child's daily needs and prepare ahead of time for any problems. The plan includes: Foods your child can eat, how …
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… without using diabetes medicine for at least 3 months. footnote 1 Some people who don't need diabetes medicine go … without using diabetes medicine for at least 3 months. footnote 1 Some people who don't need diabetes medicine go …
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… sugar. It can also help to prevent emergencies such as diabetic ketoacidosis (in type 1 diabetes) and hyperosmolar … sugar too. This can prevent serious and permanent health problems from long-term high blood sugar. Remember these key … sugar. It can also help to prevent emergencies such as diabetic ketoacidosis (in type 1 diabetes) and hyperosmolar …
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… big swings in your levels. People who use pumps have fewer problems with very low blood sugar. Insulin pumps are very … has pulled out, so it's important to check the site often. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) , a life-threatening condition, … want people to notice that I'm wearing a pump. Also, I play football and basketball almost year-round, and it's a big …
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… Sugar Diabetes: Preventing High Blood Sugar Emergencies Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Adaptation Date: … Sugar Diabetes: Preventing High Blood Sugar Emergencies Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Adaptation Date: …
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