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… times. It doesn't work in fewer than 4 out of 100 times. footnote 1 If endovenous laser treatment does not close a … times. It doesn't work in fewer than 4 out of 100 times. footnote 1 If endovenous laser treatment does not close a …
Health topics
… put off surgery if: You are pregnant. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. Talk with your doctor … or truss for a hernia. These devices aren't recommended for treating hernias and sometimes can do more harm than good. … or truss for a hernia. These devices aren't recommended for treating hernias and sometimes can do more harm than good. …
Health topics
… tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy cause most problems in children. Some babies are so sensitive to these … products. There may be a way to prevent peanut allergies. footnote 1 If you are a woman with a food allergy who is … as a way to prevent the baby from having food allergies. footnote 2 Canadian experts recommend that all babies be …
Health topics
Health topics
… After 5 years, about 7 out of 10 women are still "dry." footnote 1 Risks Problems from retropubic surgery may include: Trouble … After 5 years, about 7 out of 10 women are still "dry." footnote 1 Risks Problems from retropubic surgery may …
Health topics
… body does not mean you have vCJD. Dementia . Psychosis . Problems moving parts of the body. As the disease gets … body does not mean you have vCJD. Dementia . Psychosis . Problems moving parts of the body. As the disease gets …
Health topics
… if you take aspirin regularly (more than 4 days a week). footnote 1 Bowel Resection Diverticulitis Diverticulosis Rectal Problems Citations Strate LL, et al. (2011). Use … if you take aspirin regularly (more than 4 days a week). footnote 1 Bowel Resection …
Health topics
… or a cyst . If the cause of non-cyclic pain can be found, treating the cause may relieve the pain. Breast pain can get … to buy a new bra every 6 months. Breast Problems Fibrocystic Breasts Current as of: August … or a cyst . If the cause of non-cyclic pain can be found, treating the cause may relieve the pain. Breast pain can get …
Health topics
… This is called incontinence. And it can cause soiling problems that you cannot control. If you have a vaginal … This is called incontinence. And it can cause soiling problems that you cannot control. If you have a vaginal …
Health topics
… from HIV infection. Experts may recommend this for: footnote 1 , footnote 2 People whose sexual practices put them at high … strong. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent some of the problems, such as high cholesterol, that can be caused by …