2846 results found
Health topics
… elevating your feet above the level of your heart. Prop the foot end of your bed up on 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in.) blocks. … mild venous insufficiency . But if you continue to have problems with venous skin ulcers, you will need additional treatment. Exercise. Doing regular foot and ankle exercises can help strengthen your leg …
Health topics
… Cleft Lip Cleft Palate Cleft Palate: Feeding Your Baby Clubfoot Cognitive Development, Ages 1 to 12 Months Cognitive … and Adults Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Developmental Problems: Testing Diaper Rash Diarrhea, Age 11 and Younger … in Children Trabeculotomy for Childhood Glaucoma Treating Asthma in Babies and Younger Children Type 1 …
Health topics
… dry ice without protection. Cold injuries, such as trench foot and chilblains, may cause pale and blistered skin like … from being exposed to cold temperatures? This could include problems like frostbite or hypothermia. Yes Cold exposure … Rash, Age 11 and Younger Rash, Age 12 and Older Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems, Non-Injury Current as of: …
Health topics
… it goes on, the more likely it is to cause long-term hip problems. What causes it? The exact cause of developmental … other. A child who is walking may: Walk on the toes of one foot with the heel up off the floor. Walk with a limp (or … other. A child who is walking may: Walk on the toes of one foot with the heel up off the floor. Walk with a limp (or …
Health topics
… right away for severely limited blood flow to a leg or foot. Key points to remember Your doctor may advise you to … and staying at a healthy weight. Manage other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high … bypass , for the arteries in the lower leg or foot. More than one type of procedure may be done at the …
Health topics
… lymph nodes) may swell from an injury or infection in the foot, leg, groin, or genitals. In rare cases, testicular … nodes treated? Treatment for swollen glands focuses on treating the cause. For example, a bacterial infection may … nodes treated? Treatment for swollen glands focuses on treating the cause. For example, a bacterial infection may …
Health topics
… medicines to lower blood pressure. Manage other health problems You can help lower your chance of having another stroke by managing certain other health problems. Problems that increase your risk of having another stroke …
Health topics
… structure aren't normal. Family history may play a role. Problems that harm a baby's brain during pregnancy may help … are at risk for suicide. Schizophrenia is diagnosed when: footnote 1 You have had at least two of the following … drugs and alcohol. Having substance use disorder makes treating schizophrenia harder. If you have substance use …
Health topics
… drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Seek Care Today Based on your … They can be added to foods that cause you to have gas. Treating hiccups at home Hiccups are usually harmless and go … They can be added to foods that cause you to have gas. Treating hiccups at home Hiccups are usually harmless and go …
Health topics
… as soon as possible after a bite. Bites to the hand or foot , whether from an animal or a human, are generally not … as soon as possible after a bite. Bites to the hand or foot , whether from an animal or a human, are generally not …