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… infects the reproductive organs. Gonorrhea doesn't cause problems if you treat it right away. But if you don't treat it early, it can lead to serious problems. What causes it? Gonorrhea is caused by a type of … spread of the infection. It also lowers your risk for other problems, such as pelvic inflammatory disease. You and your …
Health topics
… a saddle-shaped deformity. Surgery can resolve these problems. How Well It Works Surgery to repair a nasal septum … a saddle-shaped deformity. Surgery can resolve these problems. How Well It Works Surgery to repair a nasal septum …
Health topics
… organs and can be deadly. You can also spread TB by not treating active TB. Cause Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by … of 20) will develop active TB at some point in their lives. footnote 1 Active TB in the lungs Active TB in the lungs … Report any side effects of the medicines, especially vision problems. If you plan to move during the time that you are …
Health topics
… miscarriage increases. The cause of infertility. Ovulation problems (except those related to age) are the most … the fallopian tubes can be harder to treat. The success of treating other causes depends on the type of problem and how … the fallopian tubes can be harder to treat. The success of treating other causes depends on the type of problem and how …
Health topics
… of the male breasts (gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia). Problems with metabolism of fat in the body (lipodystrophy). … a large amount of fat removed, are obese , or have health problems, your risks go up. Possible complications include: … should not be done in people who have severe heart problems, who have blood-clotting disorders (such as …
Health topics
… bleeding, not getting enough iron in food, and health problems that cause bleeding inside your body or make it … anemia. Here are some things you need to know when treating this condition. Do not take iron pills without … anemia. Here are some things you need to know when treating this condition. Do not take iron pills without …
Health topics
… amount of protein per serving size for a given food group. footnote 1 Meats, fish, and poultry (cooked) Food Amount … amount of protein per serving size for a given food group. footnote 1 Meats, fish, and poultry (cooked) Food Amount …
Health topics