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… by reducing sensation. Erection Problems (Erectile Dysfunction) Stress Management … by reducing sensation. Erection Problems (Erectile Dysfunction) Stress Management …
Health topics
… It also can be caused by medicines or by other health problems, such as heart or kidney problems. How is it … the high blood pressure (secondary high blood pressure), treating the other health problem may lower the blood … the high blood pressure (secondary high blood pressure), treating the other health problem may lower the blood …
Health topics
… permanent brain damage. Kernicterus may be prevented by treating jaundice early before it gets severe. What causes … becomes a concern. It may be that some babies have health problems that make them more likely to have bilirubin levels … permanent brain damage. Kernicterus may be prevented by treating jaundice early before it gets severe. What causes …
Health topics
… symptom. Pain in the jaw, especially when you chew. Vision problems such as double vision or brief loss of vision. … inflammation. GCA is dangerous because it can cause serious problems, such as blindness. So your doctor may start you on … treatment with steroid medicine will put you at risk for problems such as bone thinning ( osteoporosis ). Your doctor …
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… Most people need the following amount of iron each day. footnote 1 , footnote 2 Recommended daily amount of iron from food Group … have 1 to 2 milligrams of iron per serving. Some have more. footnote 3 Fruits Apricots (dried), 1/4 cup (60 mL) …
Health topics
… tubes in the ears may help for repeat infections or hearing problems. How can you prevent them in children? There are … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Ear Infection: Should I Give My Child Antibiotics? Ear Problems: Should My Child Be Treated for Fluid Buildup in …
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… serious side effects, such as urinary, bowel, and erection problems. Many prostate cancers grow slowly. This means that … outcomes with and without PSA testing in men ages 55 to 69 footnote 3 * Outcomes Without PSA testing With PSA testing … my blood pressure and cholesterol because I know that treating those things can help me live longer and better. I …