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Health topics
… It may cause problems, such as heart failure. This means your heart can't pump the blood your body needs. It can be long-term and sometimes causes death. What are the …
Health topics
… depression affects up to 15 out of 100 women. footnote 1 If your moodiness or anxiety lasts for more than 2 weeks, or if … isn't worth living, you may have postpartum depression. How can you care for yourself? Many new moms feel down, anxious, … few days after giving birth. But there are many things you can do to help take care of yourself as you adjust to having …
Health topics
… is very high blood pressure that damages the body. It can cause damage to the brain, heart, eyes, or kidneys. A … and confusion. What causes it? A hypertensive emergency can be caused by many things. These include other health … like cocaine. What other health problems can happen when you have a hypertensive emergency? A hypertensive emergency …
Health topics
… the swollen veins. After surgery, the pain and itching from your hemorrhoids should go away. After this surgery, you … to take 1 to 2 weeks off from work. This depends on the type of work you do and how you feel. What To Expect Recovery takes about 2 to 3 weeks. You can expect some pain after surgery. If your doctor gave you
Health topics
… belly wall to access the bladder and urethra. This surgery can be done by making one big incision (open surgery) or … the urethra (or belly wall) to allow urine to drain. You will likely go home 1 to 2 days after the surgery if … How long it takes to recover depends on which type of surgery you had. If you had laparoscopic surgery, …
Health topics
… Last updated November 1, 2021 There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, the most common type, … physical activity is safe for people with arthritis and can improve: Your overall level of pain Nutrition and … many chronic conditions including heart problems and type 2 diabetes. Useful resources Flourish – Helping You Move …
Health topics
… called a pit. Loose hair and skin debris trapped there can cause an infection or an abscess. It's also called a … as a person sits or bends. Loose hair and skin debris can get caught in an enlarged skin pore, creating a cyst. If … a pocket of pus called an abscess. What are the symptoms? You may have no symptoms. But if the cyst gets infected, you
Health topics
… developed. This makes the baby likely to have problems that can lead to chronic lung disease such as: Injury to the … But a ventilator's forced breathing and high oxygen levels can damage a baby's lungs. Infections. Premature babies are … birth. The most common first symptom is trouble breathing. Your newborn may: Grunt or breathe fast. Flare the nostrils. …
Health topics
… of iron toxicity is accidental overdose of iron pills. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to help prevent iron toxicity. In children Keep iron …
Health topics
… tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It allows you to rise up on your toes and push off while walking or … . Achilles tendon tear or rupture. An Achilles tendon also can partly tear or completely tear (rupture) . A partial … the tendon that have happened over time. Other conditions can affect the Achilles tendon area. They include: Achilles …