3995 results found
Health topics
… When to Call a Doctor Why It May Be Done Risks Caring for Your Child After Circumcision … for the penis. After the foreskin is removed, it can't be put back on again. If circumcision is done, it's … want to consider your religious and family traditions. The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) does not recommend …
Health topics
… Walking is a simple but powerful exercise for vertigo . It can help improve your balance. Walking with greater balance will allow you to … you are moving, you are more at risk of falling. If you can, do your walking next to a wall with a handrail or in a …
Health topics
… stage of labour begins with full dilation and ends with your baby's birth. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to two or three hours. … examination to ensure full dilation. Pushing too soon can make the cervix swollen and difficult to open further. …
Health topics
… Information Overview A breast pump is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can store the milk for later. You can also express breast … use a breast pump, you may want to research the different types of pumps while you're pregnant. Think about: How often …
Health topics
… the first two or three hours after birth. During this time you might experience tremors and chills, as well as … take a warm shower. Make sure you have someone nearby who can help you if you need support or start feeling dizzy or … and keep your baby warm, calm, and stable. Partners can use skin to skin contact to help keep baby warm if you …
Health topics
… may be caused by an infection in the pelvic organs . During your period, bacteria can travel up the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes … cancer or receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy . Have diabetes . Are HIV -positive. Use steroids. Toxic shock …
Health topics
… Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, … may be different for every person too. Constipation. This can cause bloating but generally does not increase gas. … non-prescription medicines, as well as dietary supplements, can cause bloating and gas as side effects. A medical …
Health topics
… Older Than 1 Year Person Faints Choking While Alone Baby (Younger Than 1 Year) Overview A person … (whose airway is completely blocked by food or an object): Can't cry, talk, breathe, or cough. May grasp their throat. … Adult or Child Older Than 1 Year A person who is choking cannot talk, cough, or breathe, and may turn grey or blue. …
Health topics
… of the neck. They supply blood to the brain. Fatty buildup can narrow these arteries. This buildup is called plaque. When one or both of your carotid arteries are narrowed, it can make it hard for blood to flow to the brain. This …
Health topics
… Should I Take to Prevent Stroke? Decision Point You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may … will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Atrial Fibrillation: … rivaroxaban (Xarelto), and warfarin (Coumadin). Your doctor can help you understand which medicine might be best for …