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Health topics
… that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of them, you may do the same tasks over and over. For example, if you … more than 1 hour a day. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can check for OCD by asking about your symptoms and your … Using both tends to work best. Counselling includes a type of cognitive behavioural therapy called exposure and …
Health topics
… in the urine in the bladder, to reach the kidneys. This can lead to kidney infection, scarring, and damage. What causes it? There are two types of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR): Primary VUR is caused … of a prenatal ultrasound. Or VUR may be suspected in a young child who's had several urinary tract infections …
Health topics
… to need treatment. A curve in the spine may get worse as your child grows, so it is important to find any problem … the other, your child may need an X-ray so the spinal curve can be measured. How is scoliosis treated? Mild cases of … mild and don't need treatment. Treatment is based on the type of scoliosis, the child's age, the size of the curve, …
Health topics
… with stitches, staples, or skin adhesive depends on: The type of biting animal. The size and location of the bite. … of the person bitten. It is important to determine if your wound needs to be closed by a health professional. Your … hours after the injury. Some wounds that require treatment can be closed as long as 24 hours after the injury. If …
Health topics
… people feel a very strong need to collect things. They can't bear to think about parting with their things. Over … sleep. How is hoarding disorder treated? The two main types of treatment are counselling and medicine. Counselling … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… They are most common in the legs and ankles. The surgery can also be done to prevent venous skin ulcers from coming back after treatment. You may be asleep during the surgery, but it also can be … small and large varicose veins, you may have more than one type of treatment. Following vein ligation and stripping to …
Health topics
… bowel obstruction? A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely … (adhesions), or twisting or narrowing of the intestines can cause a bowel obstruction. These are called mechanical … Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older Colorectal Cancer Common Types of Hernias Crohn's Disease Diverticulitis …
Health topics
… and antidepressant medicines have not worked. And it can be used for other psychiatric and neurological … such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Before ECT, you will get anesthesia to make you sleepy, and you'll get … the head, depending on the condition being treated and the type of ECT. The electrical stimulation, which lasts up to 8 …
Health topics
… require specific gear, and learning about buying gear is your responsibility as you learn the sport or activity. … or orthotics, test them out in various shoes. Wear the type of socks that you will most often wear with the shoes. Have both feet measured. Your foot size can change as you grow older. Often one foot is larger than …
Health topics
… Birth control pills come in packs. There are several ways you can start taking your first pack of pills. Talk with your … menstrual period, take your first pill. The most common type of pack has 3 weeks of hormone pills. Some packs have …