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Health topics
… used for a group of symptoms that are caused by a certain type of peripheral arterial disease of the legs. In … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … used for a group of symptoms that are caused by a certain type of peripheral arterial disease of the legs. In …
Health topics
… menstrual diary is a helpful tool for better understanding your premenstrual symptoms and then deciding how to treat … premenstrual syndrome (PMS), your menstrual diary can help you plan ahead for, prevent, and better cope with … recommend an effective treatment plan. There are several types of menstrual diaries that record the following …
Health topics
… Spinal Cord Injury: Your Rehabilitation Team On this page: Overview Related … depends on which part of your spine was injured. Rehab can include learning how to: Prevent other problems related … will work with a rehab team, which includes different types of health professionals. Your team helps design your …
Health topics
… page: About This Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … controlling asthma over the long term. There are also other types of controller medicines. How do they work? Inhaled …
Health topics
… stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can happen after a traumatic event. This is a very upsetting event that you see or that happens to you or a loved one. A sexual … car crash, a natural disaster, and war are examples of this type of event. PTSD affects people in different ways. It can
Health topics
… This is a medicine that widens (dilates) blood vessels. It can relieve angina quickly. That's because it can widen the … used just before activities that typically cause angina. You may also take daily long-acting medicine to prevent … beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers. These types of medicines can prevent angina that occurs during …
Health topics
… especially in women ages 30 to 50. A number of conditions can result in a lump or lumps in your breast. Most of these conditions are harmless or of … taking hormone therapy after menopause. Following are other types of breast lumps and their symptoms. Cysts and abscess …
Health topics
… any pattern (non-cyclic). Cyclic pain is the most common type of breast pain. It may be caused by the normal monthly … when a period ends. Cyclic breast pain occurs more often in younger women. Most cyclic pain goes away without treatment … a fibroadenoma or a cyst . If the cause of non-cyclic pain can be found, treating the cause may relieve the pain. …
Health topics
… veins. This is to prevent blood returning to the veins when you stand up. You may need to wear compression bandages or … them. Sclerotherapy may be painful. The shot of sclerosant can cause a feeling of burning or cramping for a few minutes … on how bad the varicose and spider veins are and what type of sclerosant is used. Another technique allows your …
Health topics
… Overview Breastfeeding can be used as a method of birth control . This is called … three conditions must be met to make sure that it works: Your baby must be 6 months of age or younger. After your … work better than others. Talk to your doctor about which type is best for you. Options include: Birth control pills, …