3995 results found
Health topics
… health Overview According to the Public Health Agency of Canada , mental illnesses are characterized by changes in thinking, mood or behaviour associated with significant distress and impaired functioning. Mental illness can … challenges. It is important to know that no matter how you are feeling, you are not alone. Help is available, find …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Check with your local water supplier to find out if your tap water is … device that comes with the product. Boiling instructions Canadian experts recommend boiling water—even bottled … you have lead in your water, there are several things you can do to reduce the amount of lead your baby is exposed to: …
Health topics
… and lower third molars. These teeth are at the very back of your mouth. They are the last teeth to surface in the mouth. … they break through the gums. An oral surgeon or dentist can remove wisdom teeth. The procedure can be done in the dentist's or surgeon's office. You may …
Health topics
… page: About This Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … clots from forming in your blood vessels and heart. This can prevent a heart attack or stroke. Antiplatelets slow the …
Health topics
… Overview Even with treatment, symptoms of bipolar disorder can be hard to manage. This can make school a challenge. Regular communication with your child and with teachers, coaches, and other staff is an …
Health topics
… Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … list. Why are mood stabilizers used? Mood stabilizers can help to: Treat mania and prevent the return of both …
Health topics
… page: About This Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … also used to help stabilize moods. In schizophrenia, they can reduce or control delusions and hallucinations …
Health topics
… Overview It's easy to get too tired and overwhelmed during your first weeks after childbirth. Be sure to rest whenever you can, and accept help from others. Be kind to yourself. Your new baby takes a lot of work, but your baby can give you a lot of pleasure too. Don't worry about …
Health topics
… . Are starting to lose baby teeth. Go to the Dietitians of Canada web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at www.dietitians.ca/Your-Health/Nutrition-A-Z/Toddlers/Child-growing-well… to … reasoning (cognitive development) Most children by age 6: Can tell you their age. Can count to and understand the …
Health topics
… their arthritis symptoms. Some of these treatments may help you move more easily and deal with the stress and pain of … complementary treatments you use or want to use. The doctor can tell you about the possible benefits and side effects of … Mind-body practices, such as yoga, tai chi, and qi gong, can help reduce stress and relax your mind and muscles. …