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Health topics
… is the buildup of fluid in the abdomen. The extra fluid can cause your belly to swell and make it hard to breathe. Ascites can be a complication of other health problems, such as …
Health topics
… Examining Your Beliefs to Manage Stress On this page: Overview Related … nature, how the world works, and what life is about. It can cause stress when a long-held belief is challenged or … How do you see people? Are they good? Selfish? Insecure? Fair? How do you see life? Is it fair? Surprising? …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Health problems that can develop from grieving include depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and physical illness. If you or someone you know experiences any of the following … Depression Depression is the most common condition that can develop when a person is grieving. It's common in adults …
Health topics
… Basics What are body lice? Body lice are tiny insects that can make a temporary home in the seams of your clothing or bedding (sheets, pillows, and blankets). … towels. Body lice are usually found only among people who can't wash their bodies or their clothes regularly. What are …
Health topics
… early and advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you: Maintain muscle strength and improve coordination. … Reduce the likelihood of becoming constipated. Exercise can also promote a sense of well-being and improve your …
Health topics
… a long-lasting (chronic) disease that may last throughout your life—you must treat it long term. But following a management plan can be difficult over a long period of time. Here are some … may not feel that treatment is needed. Learn all you can about asthma. Even if you have no symptoms, asthma can …
Health topics
… Getting back to work with back pain depends on what your day is usually like. But there are some basics that … to everyone. Moving keeps your back muscles strong, which can help your back. And avoiding activity for more than a day or two can make back pain worse. Sit with good posture. Adjust your …
Health topics
… Get Started Health Tools Get Started You can be active outdoors, even when it's cold. Try these tips … with a partner. Try not to slip on wet or icy ground. You can buy "grippers" for your shoes to help keep you from …
Health topics
… Appendicitis is most common in people ages 10 to 30, but it can happen at any age. With treatment, most people recover … may burst and cause infection throughout the belly. This can be very serious. What causes it? It's often not clear … of the belly. But the pain can be in different parts of your belly or even on your side or back. The pain may get …
Health topics
… fibrillation don't have to change their daily activities. You can live well and safely with atrial fibrillation. There are some precautions you can take to prevent problems from atrial fibrillation. For …