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Health topics
… against the lung causes the lung to collapse. This prevents your lung from expanding the right way when you try to … is often caused by an injury to the chest. These can be things like a broken rib or puncture wound. It may also occur suddenly without an injury. A pneumothorax can result from damage to the lungs. This can be caused by …
Health topics
… page: About This Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … and treat osteoporosis. How do they work? These medicines can help slow or stop the rate of bone loss and may increase …
Health topics
… Staying Aware of What Your Child Is Doing Online On this page: Overview Overview The internet can be a source of fun, learning, and friendship for … or connect with their friends online. But the digital world can also expose them to problems, such as cyberbullying and …
Health topics
… Menarche On this page: Overview Overview Your first menstrual period is called menarche (say … for a possible pregnancy. Menarche also means that you can get pregnant if sperm fertilizes an egg through sex. … track of the day you start your period each month. This can help you predict when you'll have your next period. It's …
Health topics
… behind particles from their feces, eggs, and shells that can cause an allergic reaction. Cockroaches are a problem in … homes, especially in inner-city areas. Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: Clean often. …
Health topics
… time to come together and talk openly and honestly with your children and family about complex issues like substance use and overdose can help build positive connections and enhance resilience.  The resources below provide advice on how you can begin and continue having conversations about drug use …
Health topics
… disease. It's a term used to describe the normal changes in your spinal discs as you age. Spinal discs are small, spongy … your spine flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc disease can take place in one or more places along the spine. It … in the lower back and the neck. The changes in the discs can cause back and neck pain. They can also lead to …
Health topics
… Children with TS make sounds or movements that they can't control. These are called tics. Tics usually start in … patterns of tics. The tics may not be obvious. They can be bursts of movement or sounds that last for seconds or … How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose TS based on your child's medical history and symptoms. The doctor may …
Health topics
… Planning a Secure Financial Future On this page: Overview Overview Setting yourself up for financial stability gives you the confidence to know you can pay your bills and handle unexpected expenses. It also …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Protecting your baby Each new learning stage for your baby requires you … prevent an injury. It may surprise you how fast your baby can move from one stage to the next. Being aware of what … teach your child to keep away from them while on stairs. Secure throw rugs to the flooring. You can use double-sided …