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Health topics
… Information Overview A hemorrhagic stroke develops when a blood vessel (artery) in the brain leaks or bursts … strokes are not as common as strokes caused by a blood clot ( ischemic strokes ). How is a hemorrhagic stroke … in the brain, and stabilize vital signs, especially blood pressure. To stop the bleeding, you may be given …
Health topics
… For the body to function properly, the heart needs to pump blood at a sufficient rate to maintain an adequate and … Cardiac output is the term that describes the amount of blood your heart pumps each minute. Doctors think about … volume × heart rate Your stroke volume is the amount of blood your heart pumps each time it beats, and your heart …
Health topics
… the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from the legs, it becomes harder for blood to leave the legs. This can lead to pooled blood that causes one or more veins to swell. The extra …
Health topics
… your whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and brain problems. What causes it? Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes. Other things that … effusion). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do regular blood tests to check on how you're doing. The tests help …
Health topics
… Overview Doctors use blood tests and follow guidelines from experts to diagnose … the following criteria: You have symptoms of diabetes and a blood sugar level equal to or greater than 11.1 mmol/L. … increased urination, and unexplained weight loss. A random blood sugar (plasma glucose) test can be done at any time. …
Health topics
… . It is a procedure that widens the mitral valve so that blood flows more easily through the heart. It's also called … sleep. You won't feel pain when the catheter is put in the blood vessel. A doctor uses a thin flexible tube (catheter) … the size of the mitral valve opening. And it allows more blood to flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle. …
Health topics
… means that your body doesn't have enough iron to make red blood cells . Iron is important because it helps you get … uses iron to make hemoglobin. This is a part of your red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your body. If … have enough iron, your body makes fewer and smaller red blood cells. Then your body has less hemoglobin, and you …
Health topics
… the longest in duration. Your healthcare provider will record your detailed physical history, perform a physical … checkup that includes: Listening to your heart Taking your blood pressure Measuring your height and weight Abdominal … swab to inspect your cervix and check for infections Blood tests: To check complete blood count (includes …
Health topics
… Overview Carbohydrate counting helps you to control your blood sugar when you have gestational diabetes. Carbohydrate … first bite of each meal to see how the food affects it. Record what you eat and your blood sugar results in a food record. At each regular visit with your diabetes specialist, …
Health topics
… during a healthy pregnancy is common. Anemia means your red blood cell level is low. It can happen when you're pregnant because your body is working hard to make more blood to help your baby grow. Sometimes anemia during … anemia is treated differently. What are the symptoms? Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your …