1825 results found
Health topics
… number of red blood cells (anemia). Get a tissue sample for testing. For example, a post-menopausal woman who has vaginal bleeding may be tested for signs of endometrial cancer . How Well It Works … number of red blood cells (anemia). Get a tissue sample for testing. For example, a post-menopausal woman who has …
Health topics
… may have to use a hook-on chair when nothing else is available, such as in a restaurant. Here are some safety tips if … the table leg and disengage the chair from the table Test the chair after it's hooked to the table but before you put your baby in it. You can test the chair by pulling it backwards Use a different kind …
Health topics
Health topics
… Disc: Should I Have Surgery? Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take Action Open/close … Neck Pain Neck Problems and Injuries Nerve Function Tests for Evaluating Low Back Problems Non-Steroidal … About Using Opioids? Open/close information section Medical Tests Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Spine Magnetic …
Health topics
… the doctor takes a sample of tissue from a wart for testing. How are genital warts treated? There are ways to … and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available for some STIs, such as HPV. Ask your doctor for more information. HPV vaccine The vaccines available in Canada help to prevent some types of HPV, including …
Health topics
… swallows pinworm eggs, and they travel to the child's intestines. In about a month, the eggs hatch into worms. At … your anus. The doctor may ask you to do a transparent tape test at home. To do the test, you press a piece of clear, sticky tape on the skin …
Health topics
… taking metformin, ask your doctor if you need a B12 blood test. General information about side effects All medicines … your doctors know that you take this medicine if you need a test that involves the use of a dye or if you have surgery. … your pharmacist or doctor. Vitamin B12 Test Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise …
Health topics
… your thumb. Your doctor may or may not use the Finkelstein test to help diagnose de Quervain's. To do this test, make a fist with your thumb inside. Then bend your … then you most likely have de Quervain's. The Finkelstein test is done to make sure that you do not have a different …
Health topics
… a plan that will keep you active, healthy, and safe. Get tests, if you need them, before getting active. Your doctor may do tests to find out how much activity your heart can safely handle. These tests may include an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) and …
Health topics
… Symptoms What Happens When to Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care … Strangulated hernias, which happen when part of the intestine gets trapped in the hernia, are more common in … is not necessarily an emergency. But if a loop of the intestine is trapped very tightly in the hernia, the blood …