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1825 results found
Health topics
… you. (You may also have your thyroid function checked. This test is to make sure that a thyroid problem isn't causing … you. (You may also have your thyroid function checked. This test is to make sure that a thyroid problem isn't causing …
Health topics
… a doctor to diagnose rosacea. And most of the time medical tests are not needed or used. How is rosacea treated? … a doctor to diagnose rosacea. And most of the time medical tests are not needed or used. How is rosacea treated? …
Health topics
… examination, your medical history, and some simple blood tests. You may be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome if you … examination, your medical history, and some simple blood tests. You may be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome if you …
Health topics
… you have shoe inserts or orthotics , bring them with you to test them out in various shoes. Shoe size, especially width, … you have shoe inserts or orthotics , bring them with you to test them out in various shoes. Shoe size, especially width, …
Health topics
… and any recent travel. The doctor may order a blood test to confirm whether you have dengue fever. How is dengue … with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. People with mild cases of dengue fever usually feel … can buy DEET in Canada at strengths up to 30%. It is available in greater strengths in other parts of the world. But …
Health topics
… In the elementary school years, your child will enjoy testing out their physical abilities. They’ll build a lot of …
Health topics
… your work and home environments. A stool culture and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is … your work and home environments. A stool culture and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is …
Health topics
… ill from eating the same things. A stool culture and blood tests may be done if your symptoms are severe or to rule out … or above] and cold foods cold [4 C (40 F) or below]. Follow labels on food packaging. Food packaging labels provide information about when to use the food and …
Health topics
… symptoms are very bad, your doctor may want you to have tests to see if something else may be causing your problems. … symptoms are very bad, your doctor may want you to have tests to see if something else may be causing your problems. …
Health topics
… her to doctor visits. Help make decisions about prenatal tests, such as those for birth defects. Go to childbirth … It's also common to feel nervous about your role during labour. Try to support yourself too. Your partnership and … all the doctor visits. Talk about what role you want during labour and delivery. Most moms want their partners to be …