379 results found
Health topics
… , and hyperthyroidism . Stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal diseases), such as malabsorption, Crohn's … , and hyperthyroidism . Stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal diseases), such as malabsorption, Crohn's …
Health topics
… the object in this way. Often the object may be under the upper eyelid and can be removed by lifting the upper lid away and gently flushing the eye with cool water. … the object in this way. Often the object may be under the upper eyelid and can be removed by lifting the upper lid …
Health topics
… skin. The spots may form patches, usually on parts of the upper body like the chest and neck. In children, this often … form patches. The patches often occur on the chest, upper arms, or neck. Less often, they appear on the upper thighs or face. The spots can be lighter or darker …
Health topics
… good for burning calories. They can help you build both upper- and lower-body muscles. They also put little stress … than other machines because they use muscles in both the upper and lower body. If you are new to these machines, … Some machines have arm resistance to work both the upper and lower body. Like ski machines, they require some …
Health topics
… to the lungs. The back of the mouth—where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula —is collapsible. … the airway. A blocked nasal passage can be caused by an upper respiratory infection (such as a cold), an allergy, or … to the lungs. The back of the mouth—where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula —is collapsible. …
Health topics
… itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal (stomach) : nausea, pain or cramps, … itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal (stomach) : nausea, pain or cramps, …
Health topics
… itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal (stomach) : nausea, pain or cramps, … itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal (stomach) : nausea, pain or cramps, …
Health topics
… most often affects ends of the long bones, such as the upper leg bone at the hip. Avascular necrosis is also called … most often affects the ends of the long bones, such as the upper leg bone at the hip. Symptoms include mild to moderate … most often affects ends of the long bones, such as the upper leg bone at the hip. Avascular necrosis is also called …
Health topics
… Loss of the normal curve in the low back causes the upper body to tilt forward, so standing up straight is hard … to stand this way, and that can lead to fatigue in the upper back. Some people bend their hips and knees a little … around those joints. And there can be severe pain in the upper back, lower neck, and areas of the low back that were …
Health topics
… syndrome include: Headache. Vision problems. Pain in the upper right abdomen (liver). Shoulder, neck, and other upper body pain. (This pain also starts in the liver.) … syndrome include: Headache. Vision problems. Pain in the upper right abdomen (liver). Shoulder, neck, and other upper …