1810 results found
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… for or against routine skin cancer screening for adults at normal risk. footnote 1 This means there isn't enough evidence from studies to show that all adults with a normal risk for skin cancer would benefit from … for or against routine skin cancer screening for adults at normal risk. footnote 1 This means there isn't …
Health topics
… also knows this code word. You don't need to help an adult. Adults shouldn't ask children for help. For example, a child … also knows this code word. You don't need to help an adult. Adults shouldn't ask children for help. For example, a child …
Health topics
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… surgical wounds. Recently had chickenpox or other viral infections that cause a rash. Use steroid medicines, which … kinds of bacteria. Some of these bacteria also cause infections such as strep throat and impetigo. Usually the infections caused by these bacteria are mild. But in rare …
Health topics
… neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections ( PANDAS ). In rare cases, untreated strep may … infection with certain strains of strep bacteria. These infections may include a strep infection of the skin (such … have symptoms of certain disorders that get worse following infections such as strep throat or scarlet fever . The …
Health topics
… tissue around your umbilical cord didn't close properly. In adults, umbilical hernias are more common in women who have … Patch use is becoming widespread in repairing hernias in adults. A patch may strengthen your abdominal wall, reduce … tissue around your umbilical cord didn't close properly. In adults, umbilical hernias are more common in women who have …
Health topics
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… since the signs may be similar to those of aging. Older adults often take medicines, such as sleep medicines and … This can lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , including HIV . Increase the risk of … High blood pressure. Stomach or liver problems. Repeated infections. Sleep problems. Loss of appetite. Less interest …
Health topics
… slows and you no longer have the same interest in food. Urinary and bowel changes, such as dark or red urine and … slows and you no longer have the same interest in food. Urinary and bowel changes, such as dark or red urine and …
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… become resistant to antibiotics, they can cause serious infections, especially in people who are ill or weak. MRSA … treated with certain antibiotics such as methicillin. MRSA infections are more difficult to treat than ordinary staph infections. This is because the strains of staph known as …