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Health topics
… over the mouth and nose can make the inhaler easier to use. Using an MDI with a mask spacer: Helps get the right amount … a pill form. How to help your child use the inhaler Before using a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a mask spacer: Talk … knows what medicine to use at what time. You might try using coloured stickers to teach the difference between …
Health topics
… You can adapt your home by making changes to lighting, using contrast in objects that you use often and in … ways to get around, such as riding with family and friends, using public transportation, or taking taxis. You can also … alternative transportation. Think about using a white cane. It can help you feel safer as you move around. And a …
Health topics
… go away on its own. If arthritis or another problem is causing the Baker's cyst, your doctor may treat that problem. … cyst go away. If a cyst does not go away, or if it is causing a lot of pain, your doctor may give you a shot of … steroid medicine to reduce swelling. You may need to use a cane or crutch and wrap your knee in an elastic bandage. In …
Health topics
… are moved into the right position. They are held in place using metal pins, screws, nails, rods, or plates. The … repair means that the surgeon lines up the pieces of bone using metal plates, rods, nails and screws and then closes … walker or crutches. After that, you may need to walk with a cane. At first, you may need help with daily activities such …
Health topics
… object. Tie rolled-up newspapers or magazines, a stick, a cane, or anything that is stiff to the injured limb, using a rope, a belt, or anything else that will work. Do … a cane, or anything that is stiff to the injured limb, using a rope, a belt, or anything else that will work. Do …
Health topics
… stairs or get in and out of a chair. These tools include: Canes and crutches. Braces and splints. Stools, carts, trash … stairs or get in and out of a chair. These tools include: Canes and crutches. Braces and splints. Stools, carts, trash …
Health topics
… are safe for you to do. Make sure that a walker or cane is fitted to you. If you use a walker or cane, put … shower head to help with bathing. You can also try using a long-handled brush or mittens. Get into a tub or … shower head to help with bathing. You can also try using a long-handled brush or mittens. Get into a tub or …