3894 results found
Health topics
… the cause of your cirrhosis and what other problems it is causing. Treatment can't cure cirrhosis. But it can sometimes … doctor how often you should be revaccinated. Shingles . Using complementary and alternative medicines wisely In … the cause of your cirrhosis and what other problems it is causing. Treatment can't cure cirrhosis. But it can sometimes …
Health topics
… is a different sound than croup .) Flaring the nostrils and using the neck, chest, and belly muscles to breathe. This … They don't change the course of viral infections. Using an antibiotic when it's not needed exposes your child … asthma, the most common symptoms are trouble breathing (using the neck, chest, and belly muscles to breathe) and a …
Health topics
… breathe out (exhale). Wheezing . Flaring the nostrils and using the neck, chest, and belly muscles to breathe. This … They don't change the course of viral infections. Using an antibiotic when you don't need one exposes you to … slowly worsening Do you think that a medicine may be causing your symptoms? Think about whether the symptoms …
Health topics
… Examinations and Tests Doctors can diagnose influenza (flu) using your symptoms alone if many cases of a similar illness … you susceptible to complications of the flu. footnote 5 Using antiviral medicines to prevent the flu Two antiviral … with tissues, apply a bit of petroleum jelly to the area. Using disposable tissues that contain lotion also may help. …
Health topics
… cost of taking medicine. If you aren't able to lose weight using diet and exercise, you're more likely to have related … heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Personal stories about using medicine for obesity These stories are based on … by your health plan. If you aren't able to lose weight using diet and exercise, you're more likely to have related …
Health topics
… problems caused by an enlarged prostate. If you stop using medicine, the symptoms will probably return. Medicine … Don't try to rush your urination. Try to relax while using the bathroom. Practice "double voiding." Urinate as … may be at risk for backed-up urine. Personal stories about using medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia These …
Health topics
… to remember Surgery can help if your enlarged prostate is causing serious problems—such as kidney problems or repeated … You have a partial blockage in your urethra that is causing repeated urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or … Compare Option 1 Have surgery for an enlarged prostate Keep using medicines to treat your symptoms Compare Option 2 Have …
Health topics
… and nutrition will depend on: The benefits and risks of using (or not using) these treatments. Talk with your doctor about your … cancer. The cancer causes fluid to build up in my belly, causing me to have a lot of nausea and vomiting. Because I …
Health topics
… to prevent further liver damage by not drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs. You avoid the side effects of antiviral … Spread the infection to others. Personal stories about using antiviral therapy for hepatitis B These stories are … to prevent further liver damage by not drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs. What are the benefits? Antiviral …
Health topics
… pay for their time or gas to take you on errands. Practice using public transportation. If you're thinking of taking … when you might need other help getting around. Think about using taxis. It may sound expensive. But don't forget that … pay for their time or gas to take you on errands. Practice using public transportation. If you're thinking of taking …