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3892 results found
Health topics
… This includes domestic violence. Substance use disorder. Abusing children, or having been abused themselves. Mental … Learn how to handle children when they misbehave. Avoid using physical punishment. Parenting classes are offered in … children. Support any group that helps parents at risk of abusing their children. Donate time, money, or goods to a …
Health topics
… This includes taking over-the-counter pain medicines, using heat or ice, and doing suggested exercises. Some … and positions that make pain worse, taking short walks, and using heat or ice if they make you feel better. Doing … Lifting Fitness: Increasing Core Stability Quitting Smoking Using Cold and Heat Therapies Medicines Medicine doesn't …
Health topics
… a seizure. These may include: Not getting enough sleep. Using drugs or alcohol. Being stressed. Skipping meals. If … your epilepsy. The goal is to prevent seizures while causing the fewest side effects. Some antiepileptics are used … seizures were easy to control with initial drug therapy using only one medicine. Your electroencephalogram (EEG) is …
Health topics
… medical treatment. Objects in the eye can be prevented by using protective eyewear. Wear safety glasses, goggles, or … toothpicks, or other hard items to remove any object. Using these items could cause eye damage. When to call for … medical treatment. Objects in the eye can be prevented by using protective eyewear. Wear safety glasses, goggles, or …
Health topics
… muscle and fat for energy. Increased hunger. The body isn't using all the calories that it can. Many calories leave the … lens and blurs vision. Feeling very tired. The body isn't using the calories it takes in, and it isn't getting the … muscle and fat for energy. Increased hunger. The body isn't using all the calories that it can. Many calories leave the …
Health topics
… Elimination diet. You avoid eating foods that may be causing an allergic reaction and see if your symptoms go away. … Elimination diet. You avoid eating foods that may be causing an allergic reaction and see if your symptoms go away. …
Health topics
… or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing symptoms No Medicine may be causing symptoms Is there any chance that you could be … or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing symptoms No Medicine may be causing symptoms Is there …
Health topics
… been swallowed. Many poisonings occur when an adult who is using a poisonous product around children gets distracted by … been swallowed. Many poisonings occur when an adult who is using a poisonous product around children gets distracted by …
Health topics
… excess fluid into the belly. This keeps the swelling from causing more damage to the brain. Experts such as … aids. Children with bladder control problems may need help using a catheter each day to prevent infection and kidney … too hot in the first weeks of pregnancy. For example, avoid using a sauna or hot tub. Or talk to your doctor or midwife …
Health topics
… the person how you can help. Suggest getting support and using medicine, and find out if it's okay to ask how he or … the person how you can help. Suggest getting support and using medicine, and find out if it's okay to ask how he or …