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Health topics
… may need more tests to check for illnesses that may be causing high blood pressure. Why is high blood pressure a … may recommend medicine. If another health problem is causing the high blood pressure (secondary high blood … may need more tests to check for illnesses that may be causing high blood pressure. Why is high blood pressure a …
Health topics
… surgery has a high rate of success and a low risk of causing other problems if you are otherwise healthy. But the … surgery has a high rate of success and a low risk of causing other problems if you are otherwise healthy. But the …
Health topics
… Blood Pressure Understanding Virtual Care (Telemedicine) Using Nitroglycerin for Angina Vagal Manoeuvres for … Pressure: Taking Medicines Properly High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet High Cholesterol: Making Lifestyle … Well With It Low-Salt Diets: Eating Out Oxygen Therapy: Using Oxygen at Home Pacemaker: Living Well With It …