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3967 results found
Health topics
… symptoms from peripheral arterial disease, such as leg pain when they exercise. This decision aid is not for people who … arteries in your arms and legs. It causes poor blood flow. When you walk or exercise, your leg muscles don't get enough … made of extra cholesterol and calcium in your blood. Over time, plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries, …
Health topics
… fitness. Chronic disease Any disease that lasts a long time, progresses slowly, doesn't usually improve and is … group to keep moving a lighter weight many times without stopping, and without getting exhausted. Musculoskeletal … you won’t be able to say more than a few words without stopping for a breath. On a scale of 0 to 10 (with 10 being …
Health topics
… you drink. What are the health risks of drinking alcohol? When you drink alcohol, you may be putting your health and … blood disorders. You have a mental health problem and are using alcohol to try to make yourself feel better. You have … blood disorders. You have a mental health problem and are using alcohol to try to make yourself feel better. You have …
Health topics
… (torch or arc) or to bright sunlight. (This is most likely when the sun reflects off snow or water). The eyes also may … eye. Flush the eye with cool water until help arrives. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that … more about how to treat the burn. Eye injuries in children Using first aid for a child's eye injury may be hard. It …
Health topics
… ovaries removed to treat symptoms from endometriosis. Keep using hormone therapy or have more laparoscopic surgery to … and the uterus (hysterectomy) usually relieves pain. When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 … three children and did not want any more, I decided it was time to take action to get rid of the pain. I decided that …
Health topics
… by feeling the strings. You can have an IUD inserted at any time, as long as you aren't pregnant and you don't have a … But you will get a covering to drape around your waist. When it's time for the procedure, your doctor will ask you … your uterus. The IUD will be carefully guided into place using a very thin tube. You may feel some cramping. When the …
Health topics
… any difficult task takes repeated, concentrated practice. When giving feedback on areas that need to be addressed, … start practising now! Teach kids how to calm themselves when stressed Help kids tune into their bodies and explain …
Health topics
… races Gunshot, siren at 30 metres (100 feet) How to know when noise levels may be harmful An easy way to be more … races Gunshot, siren at 30 metres (100 feet) How to know when noise levels may be harmful An easy way to be more …
Health topics
… Overview Sudden heart failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart … are the symptoms? Symptoms of heart failure start to happen when your heart can't pump enough blood to the rest of your … medicines as prescribed. Take your medicines at the same time every day. Not taking medicine can cause symptoms to …
Health topics
… factors you can control include: Smoking during pregnancy. Using cocaine during pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Some … trimester during a routine ultrasound . Or it may be found when a person has vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and gets … do a C-section when there is a placenta previa at the time of delivery. A vaginal delivery could disturb the …