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Health topics
… is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can store the milk for later. Using a breast pump is a good way to provide the benefits of … milk as soon as you can after you pump it. If you won't be using the milk within a few days, you can freeze it. Be sure …
Health topics
… of the uterus. You use the diaphragm with a spermicide each time you have vaginal sex. The diaphragm will last for 1 to … longer than 24 hours. If you have sex more than one time when the diaphragm is in place, apply more spermicide. Avoid using any petroleum-based vaginal creams, oils, or …
Health topics
… be snug but comfortable. It's best to wear them all the time, unless you are bathing or sleeping. Plan on replacing … Keep your stockings by your bed. Then you can put them on when you first get up. Wear rubber gloves to help you grip … do not use other types of lotions or creams on your legs when you wear the stockings. You may use other lotions or …
Health topics
… Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility On this page: Overview … a way of feeding children that takes the battle out of meal times and helps children stay in touch with their internal … and how often he or she eats. (Infants are fed on demand.) When your child starts eating solid foods: You are …
Health topics
… health condition and substance use disorder at the same time. Treating both conditions gives you a better chance of … health condition and substance use disorder at the same time. Treating both conditions gives you a better chance of …
Health topics
… Blackouts, which cause you to not remember what happened when you were drinking. Blackouts aren't the same as passing … out means that you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your … numbness and tingling in your feet or hands. Be unsteady when on your feet. Have liver problems, such as cirrhosis . …
Health topics
… Overview Talk to your doctor about what day to start using the patch. Doctors usually recommend that the first … patch is a highly effective method of birth control when it is used exactly as directed. The patch failure rate … . … Overview Talk to your doctor about what day to start using the patch. Doctors usually recommend that the first …
Health topics
… baby (fetus). It's most harmful during the early weeks when the organs are forming. Experts don't forbid hot tub or … how long you sit in the hot tub or sauna. Experts suggest using a sauna for no more than 15 minutes and using a hot tub for no more than 10 minutes. Have another …
Health topics
… Being Active When You Have Health Problems On this page: Overview Overview When you are living with health problems, regular exercise … Keep your emergency phone numbers with you at all times. Don't be too active at first. This could mean …
Health topics
… Creating a Healthy Schedule When Working From Home On this page: Overview Overview … the temptation to roll out of bed and go right to work. The time you used to spend commuting could be used as a … schedule, try to stick with it. That will help others learn when you are available for work or at home. Let people know …