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Health topics
… Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview A root canal is done when decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. … tooth feels better. Why It Is Done A root canal is needed when tooth decay is likely to cause permanent damage to the … It can work well to treat or prevent an infection. Risks When someone has an infected tooth, bacteria from the mouth …
Health topics
… a cream or ointment depends on how much is applied at one time and is harder to control. Too much antihistamine … medicine precautions . Do not take oral antihistamines when you are driving, are operating machinery, or need to be … children sleepy or may stimulate the nervous system, causing hyperactivity. Don't give antihistamines to your child …
Health topics
… can usually be treated. Why It Is Done You need a filling when tooth decay has caused a hole (cavity) to form on a … the tooth and stops tooth decay. Over a long period of time, you may need to replace a worn-out filling. Risks … can usually be treated. Why It Is Done You need a filling when tooth decay has caused a hole (cavity) to form on a …
Health topics
… Overview Most of the time, people with epilepsy who become pregnant deliver … risk even more. If you have epilepsy and become pregnant, stopping medicine treatment is not always the best solution. … are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant, stopping medicine might be an option if you have been …
Health topics
… happening in the present moment. Mindfulness is not a time to "zone out" or "space out." It's a time to … the sounds around you or how your food tastes and smells. When you are mindful, you do just one thing. And you pay … Practicing Here are some ways you can practice MSBR. When you go outside, take a few deep breaths. How does the …
Health topics
… Information Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation … from eating even though you are hungry. This might happen when you are sick or feeling stressed. … our content . … Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation …
Health topics
… is properly nourished: Feed the newborn about 8 to 12 times in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During the first 3 days after the birth, … is properly nourished: Feed the newborn about 8 to 12 times in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During …
Health topics
… Chestfeeding is a term that is becoming more commonly used when discussing infant feeding. It’s often used by … or chestfeeding . Getting started Learn more about how and when to feed your baby: Feeding your infant Getting started … a baby Choosing baby bottles and nipples Feeding your child using division of responsibility Spitting up Formula feeding …
Health topics
… What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is damage that occurs when germs (bacteria) in your mouth make acids that eat away … attack the teeth for 20 minutes or more after you eat. Over time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, causing tooth decay. Things that make you more likely to have …
Health topics
… colds, and influenza (flu). Wash your hands often. When people with COPD get the flu, it may turn into … filter. Avoid strong chemicals and aerosol sprays. Consider using natural cleaners, such as vinegar, lemon juice, boric … filter. Avoid strong chemicals and aerosol sprays. Consider using natural cleaners, such as vinegar, lemon juice, boric …