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3967 results found
Health topics
… If your child's symptoms are moderate to severe and are causing problems at home, in school, and with family members … turn. Hyperactive . They can't sit still for even a short time. They may squirm, fidget, or run around at the wrong … 2 What are the risks of these medicines? Studies show that when used for only a short time, medicines for ADHD are safe …
Health topics
… Overview Induction abortion is ending a pregnancy by using medicines to start (induce) labour and delivery in the … first 2 weeks. Use sanitary pads until you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to monitor your bleeding. You may … and follow all instructions on the label. Ask your doctor when it is okay for you to have vaginal sex. You can get …
Health topics
… less contagious. But a person can spread the virus from the time the rash first appears until all scabs have fallen off. … should be covered until the scab falls off. In the past, when a smallpox infection was diagnosed, infected people … should be covered until the scab falls off. In the past, when a smallpox infection was diagnosed, infected people …
Health topics
… of the relationship you have built to this point. The best time to begin the discussion about sex is when your child is in elementary school. A good way to start … to your child about healthy relationships and safer sex. When parents talk openly about sex, their teens may be more …
Health topics
… your child's activity is to do it in shorter periods of time throughout the day so that it adds up to 1 hour. … can take weeks to heal. Children and teens are most at risk when their bones are still growing. Common overuse injuries … your child to do many different sports instead of focusing on one sport. Make sure that your child is using the …
Health topics
… weight or height allowed by the car seat's manufacturer. When your child outgrows a rear-facing infant seat, look for … by the manufacturer of the rear-facing infant seat. Keep using a forward-facing seat until your child no longer fits … by the manufacturer of the rear-facing infant seat. Keep using a forward-facing seat until your child no longer fits …
Health topics
… traumatic event or have it happen to them to get PTSD. Sometimes learning that a traumatic event happened to a loved … at any time. You may feel the same fear and horror you did when the event took place. You may feel like you're going … ). You can find help with treatment, jobs, housing, and sexual assault. Tests and Treatments There are …
Health topics
… one or more people. Lift and move slowly and carefully. The time you take to use the right lifting mechanics is far less … one or more people. Lift and move slowly and carefully. The time you take to use the right lifting mechanics is far less …
Health topics
… change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness. Ice. Apply an ice or cold pack … Apply the ice or cold pack for 10 to 20 minutes, 3 or more times a day. After 48 to 72 hours, if swelling is gone, … change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness. Ice. Apply an ice or cold pack …
Health topics
… If you have heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your … breath. You feel tightness in your chest. You feel tired when you walk. You need to stop a lot when you walk. It gets … may notice it only when you are exerting yourself, and sometimes only during more intense exertion. The medical term …