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3967 results found
Health topics
… to children younger than 4, and supervise older children when they eat these foods. Cut hot dogs and grapes … choking, such as marbles or jacks. Look for age guidelines when selecting toys for children. Do not let your child play … to children younger than 4, and supervise older children when they eat these foods. Cut hot dogs and grapes …
Health topics
… daily activities: Stay at a healthy weight. Wear kneepads when kneeling on hard surfaces. Avoid prolonged kneeling. … athletic shoes every 3 months or after 500 miles of wear. Whenever possible, avoid wearing shoes with cleats when playing contact sports. Cleats help your performance in …
Health topics
… or cut. Clip your baby's nails after his or her bath when they are softer. You may need someone to help you hold your baby. Your baby's nails can be clipped when he or she is asleep. Use the same precautions. General … or cut. Clip your baby's nails after his or her bath when they are softer. You may need someone to help you hold …
Health topics
… work. Stand during the fitting process. Your foot is longer when you stand up. There should be one finger's width [about … than 6 mm (0.25 in.) narrower than the width of your foot when you are standing. Walk around the store. Make sure that … risk of falling, ask your doctor what else to think about when you choose a shoe. Toe, Foot, and …
Health topics
… Basics What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Sometimes a baby who seems healthy dies during sleep. If this … baby has died. It's no one's fault. SIDS can happen even when you do everything right. What causes it? Doctors don't … of struggle and are often found in the same position as when they were placed in the bed. How is it diagnosed? SIDS …
Health topics
… removes the inflamed joint tissue (synovium) that is causing unacceptable pain or is limiting your ability to … remove the inflamed joint lining. The procedure may be done using arthroscopy . What To Expect As soon as possible after surgery, a physiotherapist will teach you how and when to move the joint. What happens during recovery depends …
Health topics
… It reduces the physical or emotional distress you feel when confronted with a particular object, situation, or … traumatic experience. Hypnosis and virtual reality are sometimes used. Often during this type of therapy, you are … you deal with emotional and physical distress and fear. Using these techniques helps you keep a sense of control …
Health topics
… continually make the effort. This is especially important when your child acts out with problem behaviours or seems troubled in some way. When attempting to talk with your teen about problems or … continually make the effort. This is especially important when your child acts out with problem behaviours or seems …
Health topics
… by a variety of health problems. Some people start coughing when they breathe very dry, heated air. This can be caused … or allergies. This type of cough may be more noticeable when you first turn on your furnace in the fall, because … by a variety of health problems. Some people start coughing when they breathe very dry, heated air. This can be caused …
Health topics
… DVT may cause your calf or thigh to ache or feel tender when you touch or squeeze it or when you stand or move. The affected leg may be swollen, … DVT may cause your calf or thigh to ache or feel tender when you touch or squeeze it or when you stand or move. The …