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3967 results found
Health topics
… Although most cases of influenza (flu) get better without causing other problems, complications sometimes develop. Possible problems from the flu include: … It causes hoarseness, a barking cough, a high-pitched sound when breathing in, and trouble breathing. Chronic …
Health topics
… rate more regular. Exercises to practice pitch changes when you speak. Parkinson's Disease … rate more regular. Exercises to practice pitch changes when you speak. Parkinson's Disease …
Health topics
… can raise your blood sugar level. This is a concern when you have diabetes. Make sure every doctor you see knows … can raise your blood sugar level. This is a concern when you have diabetes. Make sure every doctor you see knows …
Health topics
… This makes room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to … This makes room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to …
Health topics
… towel from the bag and place it on the eye. Use this method when an ice pack is too heavy to put on the eye. Ice pack. … towel from the bag and place it on the eye. Use this method when an ice pack is too heavy to put on the eye. Ice pack. …
Health topics
… can be used to remove mucus from a baby's nose or mouth when a cold or allergies make it hard for the baby to eat or … the bulb to remove (suction) mucus from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and … the bulb to remove (suction) mucus from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and …
Health topics
… Wash your child's hands often. Distract your child when you find him or her scratching. Use loose-fitting … Wash your child's hands often. Distract your child when you find him or her scratching. Use loose-fitting …
Health topics
… Loss of bladder and bowel control (incontinence) can sometimes result from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias . … clearly with signs ("Bathroom," "Toilet"). Use pictures when the person can no longer understand words. Remove or … objects the person may mistake for the toilet. Consider using absorbent pads or briefs such as Attends or Depends. …
Health topics
… rye. Some foods and food products may contain gluten even when it is not specifically listed as an ingredient. The … rye. Some foods and food products may contain gluten even when it is not specifically listed as an ingredient. The …
Health topics
… demanding tasks. Blink often, and close and rest your eyes when they feel tired or dry. Avoid glare on TV and computer … demanding tasks. Blink often, and close and rest your eyes when they feel tired or dry. Avoid glare on TV and computer …