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3969 results found
Health topics
… Have breast reconstruction with your mastectomy or some time later. Do not have breast reconstruction. If you change … may involve many different decisions, including when to have the surgery and what type of reconstruction to … area. Silicone implants can leak inside the body without causing any symptoms. Women who get silicone implants should …
Health topics
… wear compression stockings or take blood-thinning medicine. When to call a doctor Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services … Sudden shortness of breath. Sharp chest pain that sometimes gets worse with deep breathing or coughing. Coughing … vessel that you can feel. Pain in your leg that gets worse when you stand or walk. This is especially important if …
Health topics
… Overview Overview What is hyperactivity when a person has ADHD? Hyperactivity refers to … ADHD with hyperactivity as the main symptom may only sometimes be overactive. If a person has the primarily … with hyperactivity also frequently climb and run around when it is not appropriate. Hyperactivity may be less …
Health topics
… parts of the body. It is called ringworm because it sometimes looks like a ring. What causes it? Ringworm is caused … and in skin folds. Ringworm is contagious. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal … the rash. Follow the directions on the package. Don't stop using the medicine just because your symptoms go away. You …
Health topics
… Elbow circles. See pictures of how to do these exercises . When should you call for help? Watch closely for changes in … Elbow circles. See pictures of how to do these exercises . When should you call for help? Watch closely for changes in …
Health topics
… is the opening of the uterus. You use the diaphragm each time you have vaginal sex. You must use spermicide with it. … to your vagina. If you have sex more than one time when the diaphragm is in place, apply more spermicide each … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a diaphragm for birth control? The diaphragm doesn't …
Health topics
… for a few days to make sure the medicine agrees with me? When and how do I take it? How is the medicine taken (for … What if I begin to feel better? What amount do I take each time (dose)? How often should it be taken (for example, 3 times a day)? When do I take it (early, late, morning, evening, before …
Health topics
… scary. It is an important decision. But if you take your time and do some research, you can find a place where your … be well taken care of. How can you find good child care? When choosing child care, consider your child's safety, how … provider Begin your search by asking friends and family and using your local library and the internet. You also may want …
Health topics
… than one baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel … or have troubling thoughts. How can you care for yourself when raising multiples? Try to plan ahead. Buying supplies, … Try to sleep when your babies are sleeping, rather than using that time to get chores done. Ask family and friends …
Health topics
… of skin ( first-degree burn ). The red skin might hurt when you touch it. These sunburns are mild. They can usually … You may get a more severe sunburn depending on: The time of day. You are more likely to get a sunburn between 11 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon, when the sun's rays are the strongest. You might think the …