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3969 results found
Health topics
… COPD or heart failure, can feel like a lot to take on. Sometimes it can be hard for people to accept help. Or they may … heart failure, or another long-term (chronic) condition. When helping your loved one, be patient. And let your loved … at around the same time. Take rest breaks often. Sit down whenever possible while doing household tasks. Encourage …
Health topics
… is a type of chest pain or discomfort that happens when there isn't enough blood flow to the heart muscle. It's … activities or add exercise to your schedule. This is sometimes called chest wall pain . Costochondritis is an … pain No Leg pain Do you think the chest problem may be causing a fever? Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Do you …
Health topics
… worse. Use the diary and pain scale below to keep track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to … that makes it hard to do anything. Daily pain diary Date: Time: Pain scale rating: Medicine and dose: Medicine side … worse. Use the diary and pain scale below to keep track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to …
Health topics
… post-nasal drip or the viral illness that caused it is causing the cough. Non-productive coughs A non-productive … change the course of viral infections. Using an antibiotic when it's not needed exposes your child to the risks of an … like usual) Is your baby having trouble breathing ? Sometimes babies may have trouble breathing because of a stuffy …
Health topics
… Opinion On this page: Overview Overview When is a second opinion helpful? When you're facing a tough health care decision, you may have a hard time knowing what to do. Is surgery the answer? Is another …
Health topics
… "Overweight" and "at risk of overweight" are terms sometimes used when referring to children who weigh more than expected. … meals so low-calorie that your child can't feel full. Avoid using food as a reward, whether for an achievement or for …
Health topics
… But you want to make sure that you don't hurt your joints when you exercise. Before you get started, ask your … work your way up to where you can exercise for a longer time and then with more effort. Manage pain.  If your joint … and switch to swimming or riding an indoor bike. Know when you have sore muscles and not joint pain. If your …
Health topics
… to match what your baby needs. Babies may feed about eight times in 24 hours In the early days, breastfeed from both … baby falls away from your breast. This usually tells you when your baby has had enough milk. Don’t rush though – your … milk at every feeding. It can be provided to your baby using another method such as a cup, spoon or bottle. Watch a …
Health topics
… of adversity. It is what allows you to look after yourself when life doesn’t go as planned. Have conversations that … that is? Teen: I don’t know. I guess he spends a lot of time working on things. Parent: I remember writing essays … my mom taught me how to brainstorm and organize information using mind maps... Teen: What’s a mind map? Maybe you can …
Health topics
… But it does have some risks, including a small chance of causing a miscarriage. FAQs What is amniocentesis? … see if your baby has any signs of a serious health problem. When is amniocentesis done? Amniocentesis is usually done … This means it doesn't lead to a miscarriage 899 out of 900 times. footnote 1 Other risks include: Infection. There is a …